Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the November 21, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • Bartlow Bids Seniors Farewell

    The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    WAITSBURG - WP foot­ball coach Jeff Bartlow will be assembling a new offen­sive line next year, after the departure of five seniors from this year's team. Chad Pearson, Nick Pear­son, Nate Barlow, Trenton Kitzelman and Dalton Larue were all starters and most started on both offense and defense. "All five are OL guys and so we will have some spots to fix next year," Bartlow said. In an email to the times, he also said: The five seniors are fortunate in the fact they are one of just a few ath­letes at Waitsburg that won four league titles in a r...

  • 2013 WP Football

    Nov 21, 2013

  • Deal Makes Waitsburg Proud

    Dena Wood, The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    LEWISTON - The Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC) men's cross coun­try team is currently ranked fourth in the NAIA, accord­ing to the final edition of the 2013 NAIA Coaches' Top 25 polls. 2013 Waitsburg graduate Seth Deal, attend­ing LCSC on a partial ath­letic scholarship, is regularly placing fourth or fifth on the Warrior team of 17 men. Both the men's and wom­en's Warrior cross country teams have earned a spot in the National Championships to be held in Lawrence, Kan. on Saturday, Nove...

  • Tigers to State Soccer Tourney

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    SPOKANE - For the second time in three years, the WP Tigers soccer team made it into the final four for its division and are off to Sumner for the state champi­onship tournament. "We're back," assistant coach Jay Potts said. "That feels great. The boys are re­ally excited about it. About half the team (starters) have been there before and for the other half it's all brand new." The Tigers earned their spot by beating Northwest Christian 1-0 in Spokane on Saturday. Striker Ivan Figueroa scored o...

  • Cards’ Season Ends with Playoff Loss to Adna

    Ken Graham, The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    PASCO - The Adna Pi­rates' ground game proved too much for Waitsburg- Prescott in the first round of the state football playoffs. Adna rushed for 367 yards, beating the Cardinals 33-17 Friday night in Pasco. WP tailed 19-0 at the end of the first quarter and was never able to get back in it. "We just got off to a slow start and I feel bad about that," said WP coach Jeff Bartlow. "That has happened a few times this year." Bartlow said the Cardi­nals' struggled to get their passing game going. "...

  • Cloyd and Stone Face Trial

    Nov 21, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Trial dates have been set for Janet L. Stone, 49, and David D. Cloyd, 39, who have both plead innocent to charges resulting from an alleged bur- glary/robbery in Waitsburg on October 11. Cloyd, with no known ad- dress, is accused of entering the home of Waitsburg resi- dent Jacob LuJan, and stealing his wallet. The suspect fled police and was later ap- prehended in Dayton. Cloyd pleaded innocent to charges of first-degree burglary and second degree robbery. A trial date has been set for December 16. Stone, of 1129 S. Fourth Street...

  • Trial Date Set for Gipson

    Nov 21, 2013

    WAITSBURG - A trial date of January 27 has been set for Stephen R. Gipson, who pleaded guilty to charg- es of first-degree burglary and second-degree assault on November 12. The 68-year-old Waits- burg resident - known to locals as 'Doc Rivers' - is ac- cused of entering the home of Norma Raymond, 67, on the afternoon of October 28 and assaulting her with a wooden stick. Judge John Lohrmann released Gipson, previously held in Walla Walla County Jail on $20,000 bail, from jail and has ordered him to reside with his mother in Milton- Freewater,...

  • FFA Hosts Festival of Trees

    Nov 21, 2013

    WAITSBURG -- The Waitsburg FFA is hosting their second annual Festival of Trees and invites groups, clubs, businesses and fami- lies to register to sponsor a tree. The event is hosted on Waitsburg's Main Street and will kick off on December 8 during Hometown Christmas with the official lighting of trees at 4:30 p.m., prior to the parade. Decorating will take place on Monday, December 2 until judging time on Sunday. Judging will take place at 12 p.m. on December 8. Trophies will be awarded for 1st place and Community Choice Tree. For further...

  • Trimming the Community Tree

    Nov 21, 2013

  • Luminary & Town Hall Meeting

    Nov 21, 2013

  • Cardinal’s Nest Celebrates 10 Years

    Dena Wood, The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    WAITSBURG - At 4:30 p.m. on a wet and windy Thursday afternoon, about a dozen students -from Kin- dergarten through 8th Grade -- are warm and cozy at The Cardinal's Nest, engaged in constructive pursuits as they await the arrival of their par- ents. The Nest - Waitsburg's after-school program - is not only a sanctuary for students, but provides employment to area residents as well. The program began in 2003 when Executive Direc- tor Kathy Carpenter applied for and received a five-year grant to...

  • Free Thanksgiving Dinner

    Nov 21, 2013

    DAYTON - A free com- munity Thanksgiving dinner will be held at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 601 S. Third Street, from noon until 2 p.m on Thanksgiving day. The dinner is a way for those who don't have family or friends nearby, to share a meal to- gether. All are welcome. Those planning to attend should call organizer Kathy Jacobson at 382-1452, so she knows how much food to prepare. The dinner is made possible by donations from local churches, businesses and individuals....

  • Ladles of Love

    Nov 21, 2013

    DAYTON - A free soup and bread supper will be provided by the First Congrega- tional Church - UCC at 214 S. Third Street, on Friday, November 29 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. The church is also ac- cepting donations of new or gently used (clean) gloves, hats, coats, and warm socks for those in need....

  • Energy Assistance Program

    Nov 21, 2013

    DAYTON - The Blue Mountain Action Council will hold two special sign- up sessions for Columbia County residents interested in applying for energy as- sistance. Both sessions will be held at the Youth Building at the Columbia County Fair- grounds. Non-seniors can apply between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Decem- ber 3. Senior citizen sign-up will be between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4. Applicants must bring documentation with them, including Social Security cards for all members of household, recent fuel bills, income...

  • Deb Hays Fundraiser

    Nov 21, 2013

    DAYTON - A fundraiser will be held to raise funds for Deb Hays who will be leaving for the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. on De- cember 1, for treatment of a brain tumor. The shopping event will take place at St. Josephs Parrish Hall, 112 S. First Street in Dayton, at 10 a.m. on November 29 and 30. A large selection of Christ- mas gifts has been donated by generous area businesses and individuals. Among the many gift items available will be: Jerry Berg's Smoked Salmon, Alexander's Choco- lates, Country Cupboard gift basket, John's Wheatland...

  • Christmas Kickoff Coming Soon

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    DAYTON - This is still the little town that believes in kicking off the holiday season with an old-fash- ioned Christmas celebration on the weekend following Thanksgiving. This year the festivities have been extended to cover two full days, with fireworks on Friday, November 29, at 7 p.m. and the lighted parade down Main Street on Satur- day at 6 p.m. "Merchants and visitors have expressed an interest in turning Christmas Kickoff into a true two-day event," said Dayton Chamber of Commerce...


    Nov 21, 2013

    November 22: Betsy Harkins, Connie Creswell, Tanya Vargas. November 23: Miles Reese, Bill Johnson, Robbie John- son, Cecile Carpenter, Heather O'Brien, Jennifer Wheeler, Alice Clifton, Jean Lawrence. November 24: Orville Branson, Clay Lindsey, Betsy Beck, Lisa Gosney, Brian Newbury, Melissa DeCoria. November 25: Brandon Leroue, Kelly Maib, Lucas Olona, Jody Lehr, Carey Demaris, Tyler Green. November 26: Devon Harshman, Donna Lee Harris, Don- ald Land, Greg Gabel. November 27: Peggy Lightfoot, Nita Snider, Rose Worth, Rod Baker, Jaidyn Brown,...


    Pioneer Portraits|Nov 21, 2013

    Ten Years Ago November 27, 2003 Mrs. Ida Mae Scott of Dayton, was recently honored for fifty years of continual service as a 4-H leader. The presenta- tion took place on Sunday, November 9 at the Walla Walla County 4-H Achievement program. Air Force Staff Sgt. Calley J. Gonzalez has graduated from Airman Leadership School at Hurlburt Field, Fort Wal- ton Beach, Fla. She is the daughter of Linda R. and Ralph V. Andrews of Waitsburg and a 1998 graduate of Waitsburg High School. It was FFA Week at Waitsburg high school last week and it culminated...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Nov 21, 2013

    Conventional wisdom says that when the days get shorter, it's time to hunker inside and see you in the spring. But now is the best time to bundle-up, grab your camera and take a ride between the rain and wind to view the subtle beauty of a minimalist countryside splattered in earthen hues, fields in brushed velour. Food is for lingering in the fall. No more summer grab and go sandwiches and chips. Today, its foods that warm the soul: steaming tomato soup, oozing grilled cheese, chubby pumpkin pancakes for dinner and a never ending pour of hot...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Nov 21, 2013

    A fter a very smooth and orderly decline that has last- ed three weeks, the wheat price has paused. There is always a kind of nervous twitch exhibited when the market reaches the end or beginning of a significant move. Some would call this "indecision," but a week-long sideways pattern with quick jumps back and forth that last only hours at most is the mark of a market in "read" mode.'' The last week saw us through a key USDA monthly report, all the more intensely observed as we missed the monthly report for October during The Shutdown. The...

  • Dixie Holds Christmas Bazaar

    Nov 21, 2013

    DIXIE -- Dixie's Christ- mas Bazaar will take place December 6 and 7 from , 9 4 p.m. The Bazaar is located in the Dixie Fire Station off Highway 12 and also at Dixie First Christian Church off of Actor Street in Dixie. There will be a number of vendors with home baked goods, crafts, gift ideas as well as pictures with Santa. Please come and support this small community while enjoying a Hometown Christ- mas atmosphere....

  • Free Family Concert and Foodraiser

    Nov 21, 2013

    WALLA WALLA - Walla Walla Symphony presents its annual Free Family Concert and Foodraiser Thursday, November 21 at 7 p.m. in Cordiner Hall. Admission is free with a non-perishable food donation. The concert will be conducted by Dr. Jeremy Mims. The evening's presentation includes: Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 3, Movement III: Allegro; Kyli Hum- phreys, Horn and Gregory Smith's - The Orchestra Games; narrated by Kevin Loomer....

  • Exchange Students of the Month

    Nov 21, 2013


    Nov 21, 2013

    Waitsburg 11-12 Violation of protection order on Maple Street; suspect leftprior to deputy's arrival. Report of harboring a runaway onMaple Street. Residence was searched and runaway was notfound. 11-13 Vehicle collision on Buttercup and 8th Street; driver struckguardrail while trying to avoid a dog that ran into the road. 11-16 Red Mongoose mountain bicycle taken from CoppeiAvenue. Prescott 11-13 Suspicious circumstances reported at Prescott Pool/City Park; deputy contacted two subjects in part after hours andimpounded vehicle for K-9 search...

  • Thank You to Leo Club

    Nov 21, 2013

    Dear Editor, On behalf of the Waits- burg Ministerial Association and the Resource Center, I would like to extend my sin- cere gratitude to the Leo Club of Waitsburg High School for their outstanding work in collecting over 1,200 pounds of non-perishable food items on November 14 for the Waitsburg food bank. This was more than was collected last year, and demonstrates a great spirit among the young people for serving the community. We also deeply ap- preciate the generosity of the community which responded to this year's food drive. Each month...

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