Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 2501

  • Support for Clayton

    The Times|Oct 24, 2024

    Dear Editor: There are a multitude of reasons for supporting Bertha Clayton for County Commissioner—far too many to list but noteworthy was her response to the question (Oct. 12 Union Bulletin Q&A) about county budget responsibilities and how to approach budget decisions. Her response was “With full understanding and accountability of the potential impacts of each decision, I will directly engage with every county office and department to obtain essential knowledge and understanding of the statutory requirements of service and where the ser...

  • Dozier a strong voice

    The Times|Oct 24, 2024

    To the editor, Senator Perry Dozier has been a strong voice for our natural resources, especially water. He has been not only a dryland farmer but also an irrigated farmer. As Walla Walla County Commissioner he served 8 years on both the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board and the Walla Walla Watershed Partnership Board. This past September, when water was diverted from the Yellowhawk Creek which caused fish to die, Sen. Dozier was able to act quickly. Having a relationship with Department of Ecology, he contacted them to find out why the water...

  • Levy Approval is next step to healthy swimming

    The Times|Oct 24, 2024

    To the Editor: I am an elected Board Commissioner of the newly formed Columbia County Park & Recreation Pool District (District), approved by voters on November 7, 2023. The creation of our District was accomplished as an unfunded entity with the power to levy a tax only as the Board and local voters recommend. This formative year, we have been diligent in creating a foundation to move forward and replace our pool, closed after the 2017season due to maintenance and operational issues. For almost a decade now; local kids, adults and visitors...

  • Elect Democrats to advance our rural Eastern Washington concerns

    The Times|Oct 24, 2024

    To the editor, Are we missing something as we consider votes for the Washington State Legislature? Can the person we elect actually advance our rural Eastern Washington concerns? Often the answer is no. It is not the fault of our representatives; it is caused by the split between Republican and Democratic caucuses. For years this system has worked against us. We have been represented in the Republican caucus, not at all in the Democratic caucus. Since the Washington State Democratic caucus is in the majority, we and our concerns are either not...

  • Support for Dozier

    The Times|Oct 24, 2024

    Letter to the editor: For 4 years, Senator Perry Dozier has advocated for the issues that we care about in Olympia. He has made sure that dollars have come back to our area to support child care, after-school care, and mental health facilities. He has worked across the aisle to keep our communities safe and support our public schools. Re-elect Senator Perry Dozier because he is a life-long resident of our community and has been an elected official in different capacities so he understands how to best represent us. Senator Dozier understands...

  • Support for Clayton

    The Times|Oct 17, 2024

    To the editor, As a concerned resident of Walla Walla County, I wholeheartedly support Bertha Clayton for County Commissioner. Bertha understands that the role of the County Commission is not only defined by state law but also by the needs of our community. With an approved 2024 budget of $145.9 million, it’s crucial that we have a leader who prioritizes transparency, accountability, and responsible growth. In the 10+ years I’ve known Bertha, I have always been impressed by her drive, hard work, and, most importantly, her kindness. Ber...

  • Clayton is the solution

    The Times|Oct 17, 2024

    To the Editor, For several years, the two major political parties, both nationally and locally, have become more polarized than ever before. Common sense dictates residents of Walla Walla County would be best served when decisions are reached for the good of the whole. Bertha Clayton is the solution. Throughout her campaign, she has reached out to elected officials, department heads, county employees, governmental entities, large and small businesses and individuals to educate herself, and has garnered a wealth of information to be prepared to...

  • A childhood educator supports Harris & Waltz

    The Times|Oct 17, 2024

    Dear Editor, As a long-time early childhood educator, I was responsible for the safety of many 3, 4, and 5-year-olds. I believe in the sacred duty to love, nurture, and protect the vulnerable young. One of the most troubling teacher trainings I ever experienced addressed the need to have a plan for the scenario when no parent was available to receive the child at the end of the school day. Why, you rightly may ask, would a child be sent off with a hug to school in the morning and have nobody to care for them a few hours later? The answer:...

  • Celebrate Upcoming semiquincentennial locally

    The Times|Oct 17, 2024

    To the Editor, The semiquincentennial (250-year) celebration of the creation of the United States will last several months (from March 5, 2024, commemorating the Boston Massacre, through July 4, 2026, commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence). Those brave founders, standing up to Britain, which had the most powerful navy in the world and a huge army besides, set forth ideas that have inspired the possibility of a democracy which allows diversity. Democracies are always works in progress, requiring a maintenance that...

  • Gunshefski a refreshing choice

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    To the editor, Please join me in voting for Linda Gunshefski for the District 16 Representative Position 1 Seat. Linda, a well-respected eye physician and surgeon, has owned and operated her own practice in Walla Walla for over 25 years. She is a refreshing choice! Linda’s self-described “formidable nature” will be critical in clearly voicing the needs of Southeastern Washingtonians in the legislature. Her equally “respectful nature” makes her a team builder and dedicated listener. She will deeply connect with other decision-makers, regardles...

  • Isaacson has history of helping others

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    To the Editor, Kari Isaacson was the Director of Blue Mountain Community Foundation when I first met her through area projects and Rotary. We became better acquainted in 2015 through political activism. Kari’s whole career focus has been finding the needs in the community and helping to alleviate those needs by raising funds and distributing them. I was so honored when she invited me to help her with her campaign for the 16th LD State Senate. When people ask me to explain the difference between her and the incumbent, it is obvious to state t...

  • Support for Clayton

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    Letter to the editor I would like to express my unequivocal support for Bertha Clayton in her candidacy for county commissioner. Running as a no-party preference candidate, Bertha is distinguished by her ability to engage with constituents from both sides of the political spectrum. I have personally witnessed her dedication to listening thoughtfully and communicating with the utmost integrity and honesty. Her strong work ethic is evident in her interactions, and it is clear that she is committed to serving our community. Coming from an...

  • In support of Mayberry

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    To the Editor, We the people need to do our homework when picking a Walla Walla County Commissioner. Checking to see where the money comes from for candidates is very telling. The liberal democratic candidate Bertha Clayton, has reportedly raised over fifty thousand dollars to date. Over $10,000 (20%) has been contributed by one family. The contributing family is at least a part of the Cottonwood Annexation proposal. This trend might suggest that consideration or influence may be available to the highest bidder. When I see how much money...

  • Clayton is a hometown candidate

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    To the editor I read The Times every week & really enjoy it. If I read a Letter To The Editor that I don’t agree with, I just chalk it up to we all see things differently. But last week, I read the letter from James Ostrander of Walla Walla. We were sitting around the table saying, “Well, that’s not true,” Writing in support of current District 1 Walla Walla County Commissioner Mayberry, Mr. Ostrander wrote, “Jenny Mayberry is the hometown candidate.” As the rest of his letter proved, Mr. Ostrander either doesn’t know what he’s talking about, o...

  • Clayton is collaborative and collegial

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    Bertha Clayton will be a great addition to the Walla Walla Board of County Commissioners. Bertha was my associate attorney for several years. I frequently watched her listen to clients, thoroughly research the law and facts of a case until she had a good understanding, and then appear before a Judge with assurance and professionalism. When the Employment Security Department asked Bertha to lead the Washington State Agricultural Worker program, a program that farmers have relied upon through many federal administrations, she made the transition...

  • Bertha Clayton Will Be a Very Good Commissioner

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    I have been privileged to spend many years in service to my neighbors through K-12 education and municipal government. Those experiences taught me that customer-focused leadership and strategic planning are critical assets. I support Bertha Clayton because she demonstrates these attributes. She and I may not agree in all areas and on all courses of action (similar to almost everyone), but Bertha has demonstrated she will listen and will seriously study the issues at hand. I believe local public service positions should be non-partisan, and...

  • Who really is Bertha Clayton?

    The Times|Oct 10, 2024

    I attended the forum in Waitsburg on September 25 where our local candidates faced off in a debate. As I listened to Bertha Clayton, some of my conclusions were that she just seemed to good to be true, a perfect politician, with just the right phrasing and wording, etc just too perfect. I had to ask myself: “Who really is Bertha Clayton? What are her core values? Since she is an active democrat what ideology will she bring to the table?” And then as I heard Jenny Mayberry speak, I realized that there was no need to wonder on ANY of those. Wit...

  • Vote for Kamala Harris

    The Times|Oct 3, 2024

    Letter to the Editor: During Trump’s presidency, the trade deficit grew to its highest level since 2008. His 2017 tax cuts incentivized corporations to offshore jobs by lowering the tax rates on foreign profits. “More than 300,000 jobs were lost to offshoring during Trump’s presidency.(NYT,: The NAFTA Effect”, 9/8/2024, Lyndon French) Blaming Pfizer for his 2020 election loss, Trump urged his followers to use Hydroxychloroquine. According to the Journal of The American Medical Association, Hydroxychloroquine is not effective against COVID-19, a...

  • Mayberry A Strong Leader

    The Times|Oct 3, 2024

    Dear Editor, Re-Elect Jenny Mayberry for Walla Walla County Commissioner. When you vote for Jenny Mayberry, you are voting for someone who shows up! Her commitment to this county is evident in everything she does. Since taking office she has been a strong advocate for the people. Her passion shows whether she is scrubbing graffiti off a building, working with our local law enforcement and fire dept, or fundraising for local organizations and veterans she shows up! The passion, strength, integrity, and courage Jenny Mayberry shows is a...

  • Support for Mayberry

    The Times|Oct 3, 2024

    The upcoming general election is very important for Walla Walla County residences. What do we stand for and what are we willing to do about? Faith and Quality of life for family and friends is something I think about daily. Can we have quality of life without safety and security? The answer is no. Is safety and security possible in our valley without strong community leadership and a diverse law enforcement component? Not likely! Fentanyl and other illicit drugs continue to plague our society. Walla Walla County is no exception. Eighty-five...

  • Support for Columbia County Parks & Rec Levy

    The Times|Sep 26, 2024

    Letter to the Editor: In contrast to many partisan issues in the November election, the levy to fund our new Columbia County Parks & Recreation District is a non-partisan item that deserves our votes. We voters enthusiastically approved establishing the District in 2023, but the District is unfunded until a levy is approved in the upcoming November election. Using levy funds, the District would pursue private and governmental grant funds for pool construction. Those who grant construction funds expect this community via the District to create...

  • Support urged for Bertha Clayton

    The Times|Sep 26, 2024

    To the editor - As the former six-year Chair of the Walla Walla County Republican Party, I have come to learn from former county commissioners Pam Ray, Gregg Loney and Jim Johnson, that the office of County Commissioner is meant to be administered in a non-biased manner. This office is meant to serve all residents of Walla Walla County, not special interest groups. Ninety percent of the responsibilities of a County Commissioner are not partisan in nature. This was the same lesson I learned while serving on the Walla Walla City Council for...

  • On behalf of Bertha Clayton

    The Times|Sep 26, 2024

    To the editor, While the national elections certainly are important, nothing touches our lives more directly than our local governments. Our County Commissioners are responsible for providing a vast range of critical services, including providing for public safety, maintaining our county roads and distributing dollars which flow from our State and Federal government. It is not often that we have someone with the skill sets that Bertha Clayton brings for the job of County Commissioner. She has demonstrated her ability to manage employees and a...

  • Support for Bertha Clayton for WW County Commissioner

    The Times|Sep 19, 2024

    We believe Bertha Clayton is an outstanding choice for the Walla Walla County Commissioner, District One position. Bertha will take the financial duties of Commissioner responsibly spending tax dollars wisely and will seek outside revenue opportunities to lessen the tax burden. Bertha will make sound decisions regarding county properties and infrastructure. Bertha has and will continue to meet with county staff and learn the needs of those offices from their perspective. Bertha has the education and the intelligence to handle the county budget...

  • Times Renewal

    The Times|Sep 5, 2024

    It is with pleasure that I am renewing my subscription to “The Times,” and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Lane on her quality publication. We are all aware of the severe challenges faced by both small and large newspapers across the country, and I am so grateful that she is managing to continue her craft. There is much that I appreciate each week besides the quality local news coverage. Brad Trumbo shares his love of bird hunting, nature, and life on a farm (where I spent many hours in my youth) with a remarkably poetic writing...

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