Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles written by Pioneer Portraits

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 158


    Pioneer Portraits|Jul 31, 2014

    Ten Years Ago August 5, 2004 Waitsburg teacher Becky Wilson has been awarded a week in Montpelier, Virginia, as one of 20 teachers from Washington state chosen to attend a week-long, all-expensepaid Summer Institute at James Madison's Montpelier Estate. A severe thunderstorm system moving across northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington last Monday night knocked out power to some 3,350 households in Walla Walla, Waitsburg and Prescott. The strong easterly winds caused a tree on Orchard Street to fall, bringing down a powerline and...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jul 24, 2014

    Ten Years Ago July 29, 2004 Area farmers are harvesting at a good clip, according to J.E. McCaw, branch manager, Northwest Grain Growers, and are seeing No. 1 test weights, good quality and "quite good" yields. One field north of Waitsburg reported 136 bushels per acre, McCaw said, while the average is in the 90 bushel per acre range. The Starbuck Community Church will be celebrating 50 years as a Village mission Church this year. Pastor David McIlroy will officiate during a day-long celebration planned for Sunday, August 15. Twenty-five Years...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jul 17, 2014

    Ten Years Ago July 22, 2004 New Waitsburg Superintendent Carol Clarke's first board meeting didn't provide much of a honeymoon as she and school district directors grappled with a difficult issue surrounding a 6-7 grade split. Dr. Clarke and new board member Ross Hamann were also sworn in at the meeting, attended by a number of parents of middle school-bound students. A once-familiar fixture of Waitsburg's Main Street has returned. The Odako Club bench once again graces the sidewalk in front of Weller Public Library. The refurbished bench was...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jul 10, 2014

    Ten Years Ago July 15, 2004 Three Waitsburg students made the most of the 2004 Evergreen Boys State, taking advantage of both its seriousness and its opportunities for fun. Representing Waitsburg last month at Central Washington University were Gabe Kiefel, the son of Michael and Kristi Kiefel; Brad Huffman, the son of Dena Wood of Waitsburg and Tim Huffman, Monmouth, Ore., and Matt Baker, the son of Loyal and Kathy Baker. Seaman Jarod Gagnon, son of Louis and Marie Gagnon of Waitsburg, graduated recently from Coast Guard basic training in...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jun 26, 2014

    Ten Years Ago July 1, 2004 Curiosity got the best of Carol Mae Hodgins, proprietor of the Bullseye Gar-NGrill, when a locked safe came up on the block at Classic Auction in Waitsburg earlier this year. The safe cost $825, Hodgins said, and belonged to a Walla Walla attorney named Ringhoffer, who died a number of years ago. . . Inside Hodgins found several itesm include a ¾-carat diamong ring, a Euopean-cut diamond Masonic Lodge ring, a diamond stickpin, a Hamilton watch, some old ledgers, and two deeds for property in Dayton from 1892. This...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jun 19, 2014

    Ten Years Ago June 24, 2004 Kristian E. Hedine of Walla Walla has been chosen to fill the vacancy created after the resignation of long-time City Attorney Bill Bloor. Hedine looks forward to a good relationship with Waitsburg. "I'm very excited to have the opportunity to represent the City," he said. Waitsburg has been very well represented in the past and I'm looking forward to continuing that tradition. The Saddles and Spurs 4-H club held their meeting on the 14th of June at Leader Sandra Farley's house at 7:00 p.m. It was announced that the...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jun 12, 2014

    Ten Years Ago June 17, 2004 The Walla Walla Stars don't play for money. They don't have shoe deals, or sports drink endorsements, and no one is lined up to get their autographs. However, these young players are starting to earn a reputation as local heroes. The Stars are a semi-professional football team composed of 39 players including local stars Brandon Neal-Tate, Jeromie Leroue, all of Waitsburg, Cody Chapman, Curtis Latour, and Greg Korsberg, all of Dayton and Sam Erwin from Prescott. Prescott's own Paul Counts is the assistant coach....


    Pioneer Portraits|Jun 5, 2014

    Ten Years Ago June 10, 2004 Bill Bloor, former City Attorney for the City of Waitsburg and member of the Waitsburg Schools Board of Directors was honored last Friday by Mayor Marty Dunn and Superintendent Robbie Johnson for his service to city government and the schools. Bloor is now chief counsel for the City of Port Angeles and was in Waitsburg for his last official act as a board member, handing diplomas to the Class of 2004, of which his son Ben is a member. Waitsburg Lions Club officers for the 2004-05 year are board members Loyal Baker, G...


    Pioneer Portraits|May 29, 2014

    Ten Years Ago June 3, 2004 Claudia Hevel, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S.R. Hevel, was recently recognized as the "2004 Honorary Service Award Recipi­ent" from the Los Altos and Mountain View (California) PTA Council. Hevel studied law and is a graduate from Stanford University. She has spent her life working in public in­terest law and advocacy for the underrepre­sented and underprivileged in society. Graduation Ceremonies will com­mence at 8:00 p.m., June 4, in the Waitsburg High school gym.Four students have been chosen to speak on behalf of...


    Pioneer Portraits|May 22, 2014

    Ten Years Ago May 27, 2004 On Memorial Day, among those we remember are those who made the supreme sacrifice, lake Waitsburg boys Norman B. Estes, Merle Eaton, Tony Lloyd and Bobby Pettichord. But every April 28 for the past 60 years has been a memorial day for retired Waitsburg-area farmer Dick Ferguson. Ferguson, 81, is the last of t27 survivors from the tragic sinking of a fully loaded LST (landing ship, thank) during practice exercises prior to D-Day. Ferguson spent six hours in the water on that date before being rescued by a U.S. ship....


    Pioneer Portraits|May 15, 2014

    Ten Years Ago May 20, 2004 The Days of Real Sport Parade, an annual tradition in Waitsburg, was marked by a stirring tribute to United States servicemen and a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem by Lindsey Thomas of Prescott, daughter of Joe Thomas and Jill Thomas, and Queen of the Milton-Freewater Pioneer Posse Court. On the announcer's stand was Fred Hamann, assisted by Scott Archer. Bearing the stars and striped -LESS-THAN-0096-at the DRS parade-GREATER-THAN-0096- was Joe Gagnon, recently returned to Waitsburg from a year-long stint...


    Pioneer Portraits|May 8, 2014

    Ten Years Ago May 13, 2004 Thirteen students from Christine Pearson's 2003-2003 sixth grade class boarded a school bus in Waitsburg last Thursday, heading to Ft. Lewis to join family and friends in welcoming home the 159th aviation reiment from a year-long tour in Iraq. Jessica Huxoll trailed Asotin's Rachel Gundy for most of the anchor leg of the girls' 4X400, then caught her at the finish line, edging the Asotin team by one-one hundredth of a second for second place. Other members of the team are Natasha Montgomery, Brittany Zuger and Haly...


    Pioneer Portraits|May 1, 2014

    Ten Years Ago May 6, 2004 Over two dozen Waitsburg residents who lived through World War II, or served in the military during the worldwide conflict, gathered in the former American Legion Banquet Rooms last Thursday to relate to students in Ms. Bailey's American History class their experiences during that tumultuous period. Students asked questions and scribbled notes as foks, including Dorne Hall of Walla Walla, told of their lives and the effect of the war. Twenty-Five Years Ago May 14, 1989 Reuben Stokes and Tom Mathews, students at...


    Pioneer Portraits|Apr 24, 2014

    Ten Year Ago April 29, 2004 Jill Bickelhaupt, the daughter of Dan and Nancy Bickelhaupt, and Gabe Keifel, the son of Michael and Kristi Kiefel, were the recipients of the Junior Achievement Award presented by Masonic Lodges of Southeastern Washington. Cole Lindsey, the son of John and Dinah Lindsey, Waitsburg, has received the merit-based Academic Honors Scholarship from Eastern Washington University in Cheney. The scholarship is awarded to students with exceptional records. Twenty-Five Years Ago April 27, 1989 Don McAlpin was introduced at the...


    Pioneer Portraits|Apr 17, 2014

    Ten Years Ago April 22, 2004 A long list of Waitsburg athletes, scholar athletes, teams ad coaches have been nominated for honors for the 2004 Blue Mountain Sports Awards and Blue Mountain Youth Recognition Evening, slated for 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 5, at the Marcus Whitman Hotel & Conference Center. Corinne McKinley and Cole Lindsey are triple-sport nominees for scholar-athlete honors from Waitsburg High school. Dick Bennett, the coach of the WSU Cougar men's basketball team will be the guest speaker at a Father-Son Barbecue at Waitsburg High...


    Pioneer Portraits|Apr 10, 2014

    Ten Years Ago April 15, 2004 Three WHS football players that played for the Cards last fall were recently recognized in the All State circles, according to Jeff Bartlow, head coach of the Waitsburg High School football program. Brandon Cole was honored as an Associated Press All State "Honorable Mention" selection at linebacker. "He was a player that we could put into a lot of different situations defensively," Bartlow said. "That versatility helped him get recognized." Coaches statewide recognized Kurtis Reser and Travis Mason as alternates to...


    Pioneer Portraits|Apr 3, 2014

    Ten Years Ago Thursday, April 8, 2004 Carol Clarke, principal of Chief Kamiakin Elementary School in the Sunnyside School District, Sunnyside, Wash., has been offered and has accepted the position of superinten­dent of schools of the Waitsburg School District. Waitsburg City Attorney William E. "Bill" Bloor will be closing his law practice in Waitsburg to take a position with the City of Port Angeles as its city attorney. Bloor has been city attorney since 1986. Big walleyes have been therapeutic for Ivadell Nor­dheim of Waitsburg. Outdoor L...


    Pioneer Portraits|Mar 20, 2014

    Ten Years Ago March 25, 2004 Local students selected from Waitsburg High School Students recently named to the 37th Annual Edition of Who's Who Among American High School Students, 2002-2003 are Emily Hogan, Amy Huwe, Haly Ingle, Ashley Katsel, Genny Menino, and Kristyn Scott. Included from Dayton are Katie Deboard, Marianne Kas­ten, Molly Klippert, Daniel Meloy, Cesar Meraz, Lacey Miller and Melissa Shumake. Paul Counts and other Prescott students Becky Curtis, Joseph Erwin, Bertha Hernandez, Joshua May­berry, Lacey Mayberry, Kristopher O...


    Pioneer Portraits|Mar 13, 2014

    Ten Years Ago March 18, 2004 Veteran parade rider Charlene "Charlee" Long, daugh­ter of Jake and Michelle Long, Waitsburg, will represent the community as Queen of the 2004 Days of Real Sport. The sixteen-year-old is a veteran of many area parades, including Waitsburg's, when she carried banners for previous Days of Real Sport courts the past three years. Dona Jean Smith was honored by the Waitsburg Com­mercial Club for years of dedicated and faithful service to various community, civic and church organizations at its 2004 Annual Banquet held T...


    Pioneer Portraits|Mar 6, 2014

    Ten Years Ago March 11, 2004 A small group of Waitsburg citizens has held the first caucus of the eligibility period Sunday at the home of H. V. "Bill" and Jan Zuger, nominating three-year councilman Marty Dunn as mayor and former Waitsburg City Clerk Nancy Parker to join incum­bents Mark Shively, Bettie Chase, Debara Whitmore and Markeeta Little Wolf. Jean Hinchliffe was nominated as City Treasurer. Whitney White, 18-year-old daughter of Pepper White and Becky Martin, Dayton, was named queen of the 2004 Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days at th...


    Pioneer Portraits|Feb 27, 2014

    Ten Years Ago March 4, 2004 The Waitsburg Cardinal boys are state- bound for the first time since 1996. Later this month, Wait-Hi's Knowledge Bowl team will compete in the state meet in Vancouver, Wash. The team includes Emily Hogan, Katie Brodhead, Lindsay Auchter­lonie, Maggie Pietila, Ben Bloor and Brad Green, advisor. Observing thirty-four years of active volunteer community service, the board of the Waitsburg Ambulance Service held its annual meeting on Thursday, February 26, 2004. Board members include: Jack Otter­son, president; Bill T...


    Pioneer Portraits|Feb 20, 2014

    Ten Years Ago February 26, 2004 An 18-foot "History Pole" will not be going up in Preston Park any time soon, the Waitsburg City Council decided after discus­sion of the idea last week. Mayor Randy Hal­ley proposed the concept as a way to obtain an easement for the City through property owned by Craig Burdine. The Preston Hall girls' basketball team played two home games last week and beat Prescott on Feb. 17, 29-19 and Pomeroy 22- 19 on Feb. 19. Against Prescott, Caris Cole scored five points in the first quarter and Felicia Brown scored two p...


    Pioneer Portraits|Feb 13, 2014

    Ten Years Ago February 19, 2004 Mother and daughter, Jackie Penner and Debbie Fortner ended toe 2003 reining circuit, a horse competition scored on arena patterns, with two year-end buckles a piece. Kennewick Police have arrested two more individuals after serving a search warrant on Feb. 10 in the apartment where numerous allegedly stolen musical instru­ments and other items were found. Last week a Kennewick man was arrested and he has confessed to the January 27 burglary of the Waitsburg Grocery Inc. store in Waitsburg. Twenty-Five Years...


    Pioneer Portraits|Feb 6, 2014

    Ten Years Ago February 12, 2004 The Waitsburg School district will be looking for a new superintendent following the announcement Wednesday by Robbie Johnson that he will retire in June after 30 years in education. Mindy Nordheim, 18, of Waitsburg, placed in the top 13 of the national compe­tition for the Make It Yourself With Wool contest held in Sacramento, California Janu­ary 22-24, 2004. Representing Washington in the senior age bracket made up of 17 to 24-year-olds, Mindy tailored a navy wool suit which included an asymmetrical white w...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jan 30, 2014

    Ten Years Ago February 5, 2004 Lydia Roberts, daughter of Ken and Dawn Roberts, was installed as Worthy Advisor of Rainbow Assembly No. 68. The ceremony was held Sunday afternoon, February 1. Three local youths, John David Hock­ersmith, Wyatt Withers and Isaac Huether will be knocking on Waitsburg doors Satur­day, February 7, "Scouting For Food" from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in a attempt to help stock the local food bank. The sound of chain saws buzzed in the air around Waitsburg Friday morning following a windstorm that included gusts in the 50 an...

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