Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the September 19, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • School Enrollment Numbers Up

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The 2013-14 school year kicked off with enrollment numbers higher than anticipated in Waitsburg, and even more incoming students expected in the near future. Superintendent Dr. Carole Clarke updated board members at last week's school board meeting and requested additional help to meet the increased demands. Earlier enrollment estimates for the 2013-14 school year projected 135 elementary students (grades K-6), 45 middle school students (grades 7-8) and 270 high school students. At...

  • A Passion for Gardening

    Tanya Patton, Special To The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    DAYTON - Tami Miller has a passion for gardening and an indisputable green thumb. Her 3.67 acre proper- ty just outside the city limits of Dayton is an Eden filled with flowers, edible land- scaping, vegetable gardens and contented livestock. Two steers, a flock of lay- ing hens and several Idaho Pasture Pigs free range to- gether in the fenced pasture. Squash vines trail through the perennial beds. Long lines of leaf lettuce define the edge of flower borders near the house. And in the formal...

  • Close, Yet So Far

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    STANFIELD, Ore. - With less than a minute before halftime, the Dayton Bulldogs ended a steady march through Stanfield territory and arrived at the half-yard line, ready to pound it into the end zone. The score was 12-7 in the Tigers' favor, but the momentum was all on Day­ton's side. A touchdown would mean going into the break with a lead and the much-needed confidence that comes with it, Dayton head coach Dean Bickel­haupt said. But then the eleventh Bulldog, a freshman, was led to believe there were too many players on the field and ran a...

  • Tigers are Back!

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    YAKIMA - With al­most its full complement of returning starters, the WP Tigers Tuesday posted its first regular-season win over Riverside Christian, beating the Crusaders 4-0 on their home turf. Barely 5 minutes into regulation time, midfielder Paul Zamora scored on an assist from Ernesto Valdovi­no, who got one for his team himself 12 minutes into the second half on an assist from Luis Garcia. Unassisted, Garcia gave the Tigers a 3-0 lead in the 79th minute, followed 2 minutes later by the f...

  • WP’s Adams Places 4th at XC Meet

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The W-P Cross Country team performed well in their first meet of the season, the Aso­tin XC Island Run Invite at Chief Timothy Island State Park in Clarkston on Satur­day. W-P's sole female run­ner, freshman Emily Adams, who never lost a race during her eighth grade year, placed fourth overall, against 45 runners. Adams was first among 2B runners, ahead of District 9's top two female harriers; senior Heather Siegal of St. John-Endicott and Lucy Eggleston, a junior from Asotin. "T...

  • Dayton Girls Win WP Tourney

    Sep 19, 2013

    The Dayton Bulldogs won all their games at the WP Invitational Volleyball Tournament on Saturday. They defeated DeSales, St. John-Endicott, Wa-Hi JV, and Waitsburg-Prescott. The championship game was a second match with St. John-Endicott. Dayton Stat leaders for the day were: Sarah Phillips: 17 aces Courtney Mings: 33 digs Chelsea Wooldridge: 59 assists Madison Mings: 23 kills...

  • Correction

    Sep 19, 2013

    In a photograph which ran in both our September 5 and 12 issues, the WP quarterback throwing the football during practice was misidentified. He is Jason Carter, not starting quarter­back Owen Lanning. We are sorry for the error....

  • Tournaments are Good Training

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The W-P Lady Cards may have been overdue for a rest af­ter Saturday's invitational tournament in Waitsburg, but they accrued plenty of practice play by attending two tournaments in two days. "This kind of thing is good for them," said assis­tant coach Robbie Johnson. "This is what they'll face if they make it to a state tour­nament. You play all day, get up and do it again. They handled it really well." W-P left Waitsburg at 4:30 a.m. on Friday morn­ing, heading for Yakima where the...

  • WP Pounds Weston McEwen

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    WAITSBURG - As messy as Waitsburg Prescott's victory over Pilot Rock was last week, Fri­day's 49-6 win over Weston McEwen came up smelling like roses. It was so clean that this weekend's sloppily victorious Seahawks might learn a thing or two from a practice on Cardinal Field. "That was the biggest thing we focused on," head coach Jeff Bartlow said. "We made a lot of improvement and our goals were met that way." Last week, the Cardi­nals had five turnovers and 110 yards in penalties. This week,...

  • Kids Learn Bike Safety

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    WAITSBURG - If you happen to see what appears to be a scene from Pied Piper (on bikes), don't be alarmed -- the children are safe. In fact, they're safer than ever. That string of red-helmeted student bikers, led by physi- cal education instructor Jeff Bartlow, is out practicing the rules of on and off-road safety. In 2011, Waitsburg School Superintendent Dr. Carol Clark wrote for and received a grant to implement a Safe Routes to School Bike and Pedestrian Safety Education Program. The grant,...

  • Barnstormin’

    Sep 19, 2013

  • Commercial Club Tour of Buildings

    Sep 19, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg Commercial Club will be hosting a tour of commercial buildings for sale or rent in the Waitsburg Busi- ness District on Thursday, October 10 at 4 p.m. This will be a self-guided tour with a realtor and/or owner representatives at each build- ing. The tour will begin at the White Stallion Restaurant building and end at the Plaza Theater. Additional stops will include: Nothing New Lodg- ing, two Lybecker Buildings (one on Main and one on Hwy. 12 and Preston Ave.), the Paul & Karen Gregutt building on Main Street. Maps...

  • Prescott Lions Club Breakfast

    Sep 19, 2013

    PRESCOTT - The Prescott Lions serves an all-you-can-eat fundraiser breakfast the third weekend (Sat. and Sun.) of every month. This month's break- fast takes place Sept. 21 and 22 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Lions Club will be serving pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns and juice and coffee. The cost is $6.00. Breakfast will be served at the Lions Community Building located on the corner of Highway 124 and D Street....

  • Prescott Gears Up For Pool Levy

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    PRESCOTT - The down- side of getting a generous grant for the town swim- ming pool is that taxpayers get the wrong impression, according to Patsy Adams Warnock, chair of Prescott's Joint Park and Recreation District. Some might think they no longer need to pitch in, she said. To the contrary, the swimming pool's annual maintenance and operations levy relies as much as ever on a critical super-majority of at least 60 percent in the upcoming general election on Nov. 5. The levy calls for about the same amount as last year - $110,000 - to operate...


    Sep 19, 2013

    Sept. 20: Owen Senter, Rhonda Newbury, Monte Duncan, Robyn Dunleavy, Alex Solis. Sept. 21: Bob Rabern, Kenneth Crawford, Fred R. Grit- man, Diana Larsen. Sept. 22: Marty Dunn, Phyllis Rubel, Cheryl Hansen, Ma- rie Gagnon, Misty Nix, Lynn Rohlfing, Kyle Sickles, Dale Holloway, Matt Stoutenburg, Dorothy Rude. Sept. 23: Kathryn Greenwell, Jim Langdon, David John- son, Gregory Liebermann, Brad Green, Jayden Dunleavy. Sept. 24: Nydia J. Oliver, Virginia Gumm, Chris Lambert, Ethan Carpenter, Ryan Lambert. September 25: Kenneth Jones, Cricket Harris,...


    Pioneer Portraits|Sep 19, 2013

    Ten Years Ago September 25, 2003 The Women's Invitational was September 3 with 40 golf- ers. Winners for the Dayton team were: low gross, Evelyn Himmelberger; and, low net, Janice Davis, followed by Mary Ellen Juris, Jean Nelson, Ellen Burruss, and Betty Lou Crothers. Janice Davis was closest to the pin on her drive on #4, with 13 feet, 10 inches. Kathy George made the longest putt on #9, 31 feet, 3 inches. Betty Lou Crothers won for the long drive on #8 and, also, won the accuracy drive on #1. Eight women played "orange" ball on Wednesday,...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Sep 19, 2013

    When it comes to yard sales, I am known as a pro. If asked for advice it would be this: presentation is everything! Tossing objects into a heap only ensures viewers that everything is junk and commands junk prices. Display items with care and people will buy more. For instance, I have had a bag of old lace and linens stuffed behind my couch for years. Finally, for this year's sale, I washed, bleached, pressed and folded the materials and used no price tags for any of my items, leaving the bid open to the highest bidder. But the most important...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Sep 19, 2013

    Chicago December wheat contracts continue to pound away at their life-of-contract lows. Over the entire his- tory of active trading from mid-September 2011, the December contract price reached highs of $9.13 per bushel in November 2012. Since that time 10 months ago, the trend has been lower, with the lowest point a couple of weeks ago at $6.35½. On Tuesday, the Chicago December finished the day session at $6.42, $2.71 below last fall's high. For most producers, that is a major shift in income po- tential. Even for a "small" farmer, that...

  • WSU Extension in Walla Walla County Gets New Agent

    Sep 19, 2013

    WSU Extension office in Walla Walla County has hired a new Extension Fac- ulty to provide regional assistance for Agronomy and Dry Land Cropping Systems. Wayne Thomp- son, previously a Research Agronomist from Texas A&M Extension Service, will start on October 21. Wayne Thompson re- ceived a Master's Degree in Agriculture (Soil Science and Agronomy) from the University of Minnesota, St. Paul and a Bachelor's De- gree in Agronomy and Pest Management from Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames. Mr. Thompson will be re- sponsible...

  • Waitsburg Garden Club

    Sep 19, 2013

    Waitsburg Garden Club meetings will be held the third Saturday of each month. All meetings will begin at the Coppei Coffee Shop with a half hour general exchange of information. Then, whoever would like may join a tour of the selected garden or re- lated location, guided by the owner/gardener. No dues, no committees, no officers. Easy, fun, helpful! Next meeting: Saturday September 21st 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. - Meet other members and enjoy a quick exchange of information on plans for the group. 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - Tour of Kate Hockersmith's...


    Sep 19, 2013

    Waitsburg 9-13 Report of malicious mischief and criminal trespass. Unknown suspects threw decorative Christmas lights from roofof building. 9-14 Report of an out-of-control juvenile on W. 2nd Street. 9-16 Report of juvenile on Orchard Street possessing marijuanaand trying to give to another juvenile family member. Dayton 9-10 Report of threats by text message on E. Spring Street.Report of phone harassment on S. 2nd. Eviction at ValleyView Court. Report of old marijuana stems found in coolerat Valley View Court. 9-11 Report of juveniles using...

  • Fall Festival Fun

    Sep 19, 2013

    A trend that has always puzzled me somewhat is the concept of "distressed" jeans. For the uninitiated, distressed jeans are jeans that are damaged with rips, fading, or acid washing - and then sold just like that in reputable stores at a hefty markup. They are considered very fashionable at the moment, and it is more than socially acceptable to wear them in public. But even when the stains on your jeans aren't from acid or dye, but rather a drip- ping chocolate ice-cream cone, people still...

  • A Halloween I’ll Never Forget

    Sep 19, 2013

    I t might seem a bit early to talk about Halloween, though some supermar- kets and stores are already in the spirit for the scary event with displays and candy. But a radio news item last week reminded me of an incident that happened on Halloween some years ago when I walked a much- younger Niko (our son) to the school bus. First, I have to explain this happened on Bainbridge Island, where motorists tend to be quite polite, except perhaps when it comes to getting to the Seattle-bound ferry on...

  • Government Wise to Go Slow on Pot

    Sep 19, 2013

    The day after this paper went to press, the Columbia County Board of Commissioners was scheduled to hold a public hearing and most likely impose a one- year moratorium on the production and sale of marijuana within the county. Walla Walla County and the City of Dayton are also considering similar measures. The city of Waitsburg already passed a moratorium back in December. The statewide initiative that passed last fall, legalizing recreational use of small amounts of pot, may well turn out to be a good thing in the long run, but it has created...

  • Political Cartoon

    Sep 19, 2013

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