Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the August 23, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 39

  • Dayton Man Arrested For Burglary, Thefts

    Aug 23, 2012

    DAYTON – Scott Watkins, a 33-year-old Dayton resident, was arrested by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office on a warrant last Tuesday, and faces 12 charges for burglary and theft of firearms, knives and video equipment, according to the Columbia County Prosecutor’s Office. Watkins will appear in front of a judge Thursday, Aug. 23 at 1:30 p.m. in Columbia County. He faces charges of burglary in the second degree, three counts of unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree, three counts of theft of a firearm, three counts of posse...

  • Liberty Theater Gets New Projector

    The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    DAYTON -- The Liberty Theater is making the tran- sition from 35 millimeter to digital this week, when McRae Theater Equipment arrives to install a state-of- the-art projector. Donations and grants from community members, businesses and foundations kept the the- ater's conversion on track in advance of major movie studios deadline for eliminating 35 millimeter prints, and Dayton's historic theater can continue to secure first run films for the community. The new technology will be unveiled Friday when "The Dark Knight Rises opens" at 7:30 p.m....

  • Many Spaces For Sale On Main Street

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Charles Smith's JW Morgan build­ing is up for sale and Lupe and Sandra Torres' Nothing New Lodging is now on the market, making Waitsburg's Main Street in need of some interested buyers. Robbie Johnson, owner of Etceteras and past-pres­ident of the Commercial Club, said there are a couple of vacant spaces up for sale on Main Street that come to his mind right away - Delta Connection and what was formerly known as the auc­tion house next to jimger­manbar in addition to Noth­ing New...

  • NoaNet Service May Be Available In Valley

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Faster Internet speeds could be coming to the Touchet Valley in 2013 because one local business owner says he wants to hook up to a new, cutting edge fiber optic network. Danny Cole, owner of Touchet Valley Communi- cations in Waitsburg, said last week he plans to offer the new Internet services to local customers. An agreement with Pocketi- Net Communications Inc. will allow Cole to provide services, said Todd Bran- denburg, the president and founder of PocketiNet. "It's an...

  • Board Approves Hires, Resignation

    The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    PRESCOTT -- The Prescott School Board approved one resignation and two hires last Monday after- noon. First, the board unani- mously accepted the resignation of Deb Scudder, the Title 1 and special education para educator. Dr. Bill Jordan, the district's superintendent, said the school will be hiring for a replacement. School board Member Erik Young recused himself from the vote on the resignation. Last Monday the board also approved the hiring of Rebecca Wilson for the pep band stipend and Mark Hauck for the full-time, assistant WP football...

  • Pool Staff Positive About M&O Levy

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    PRESCOTT - The staff members and commissioners of the Prescott pool have been tracking attendance and planning fun events for the com- munity with the hope that come November, voters will provide the 60 percent of yes votes needed to keep the pool open another summer. The Prescott Joint Park and Recreation District is a junior taxing district that has provided the money to keep the pool open. Patsy Adams Warnock, the chairwoman of the board of commissioners that runs the taxing district, said...

  • Dayton Boosters Host Successful Banquet

    The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    DAYTON -- The Dayton Booster Club held a back-toschool spaghetti feed and silent auction on Saturday, Aug. 18, to get a jump start on funding Dayton groups, clubs and teams for the 2012-2013 school year. Booster Club Secretary Melanie Mings said the event went well. About 180 people purchased dinner at the event and there were take-out orders too, Mings said. "It was a great success," she said. Mings said there were silent auction items donated and sold and the turnout helped bring money in to the club to help support Dayton School District gro...

  • Footballers Donate Their Time

    Aug 23, 2012

  • Coach’s Corner

    Jeff Bartlow, Guest Column|Aug 23, 2012

    WAITSBURG -- Offensively speaking, the 2011 Cardinals were hard to beat and we were at the top of our game a year ago. In my 13 years as head coach, we had our no. 1 scoring offense (41.1 per game) and no. 4 total offense (385.5 yards per game). It was our no. 2 passing offense (171.5 per game) and no. 4 rush- ing offense (214 yards per game). In addition to that, we did not turn the ball over with a (+16) turnover margin (only 2010 was better at +20). Mistake-free foot- ball and talented kids with some creative coaching all added up to a 14-0...

  • Music In Memory

    Aug 23, 2012

    The Dayton community held a benefit concert for the Lorang Family last Sunday at the Liberty Theater. The family recently lost its old­est daughter, Hosanna Lorang. On June 27, the seven-year-old, fell about 20 feet from a tree and was rushed to a local hospital. Lorang later died in at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane. The money raised at the concert will help the family pay medical bills and funeral costs. (Top) Jake Lorang, Hosanna's father, played with his band, Against The...

  • A Trip For Veterans

    Aug 23, 2012

    DAYTON -- There will be a three-day, all expense paid trip to Washington, D. C. for World War II veterans to visit all of the War Memorials to honor all veterans of American Wars. The emphasis now, is on World War II veterans. The current plans for 2012 are two flights in October and one in November, weather permit- ting. Honor Flight candidates meet in Spokane. The flight is to Baltimore, Maryland with a round trip bus trip the next day to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials and a flight home the following day. Flights are financed by dona...

  • Sunday Night Sunset

    Aug 23, 2012

  • Kids Raise Money For Kenyan Orphanage

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    DAYTON - In the heat of the summer sun, it's easy in the Touchet Valley to take water for granted. But Reverend Marj John- ston of Dayton's First Con- gregational Church knows that isn't the case in some other countries. So she focused the fundraising for this summer's Vacation Bible School, hosted by the First Congregational Church and the United Methodist Church in Dayton, on bringing water to orphans at the Quest for Happiness Orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya. The participants went above and...

  • McGregor To Expand

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council last Tuesday chose to sell about 25 acres of land to The Mc- Gregor Company to expand its Waitsburg operations and add four to 10 more jobs in the city. The approval this week ends the months-long saga of what Waitsburg was going to do with a city-owned bunk house that had collapsed. The bunk house, formerly an apple-packing plant that came down in a storm in late 2011, was previously believed to contain asbestos or lead and removing it could have been costly for the city. Last March, the council learned...


    Aug 23, 2012

    Want to have your club schedule posted each week in the Times right here? Call or email us your monthly meeting schedule by Tuesdays at noon and we'll get it in -- for free!...


    Aug 23, 2012

    Dayton School Board Aug. 15 *The meeting was called to order and opened with the flag salute. *Dian McClurg asked about a drama department and if there was interest in bringing a drama program back to the district. *Minutes for July 25, August bills and August payroll were approved. *The resignation of Cassandra Thompson as the middle school volleyball coach and the hiring of Cassandra Thompson as the high school assistant volleyball coach were ap- proved. *The hiring of Mikki Smith as assistant cook and dishwasher was ap- proved. * The hiring...


    Aug 23, 2012

    COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR DAYTON -- The Columbia County Fair will be Sept. 7-9. Come celebrate the fair with exhibits, one of the best barbecues around, children's games, and an exciting Motocross race....

  • Sheriff: Lock Your Vehicles

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    DAYTON - Despite what may seem like a surge in the vehicle prowls in Dayton, the Columbia County Sheriff's Office reports the incidences of car break-ins are down from last year. Sheriff Walt Hessler said the numbers are decreasing because of the office's dili- gence on the streets. In the same time period in 2011, January to August, the sheriff's office received 30 reports of vehicle prowls out of the total 46 for the year, according to according to a release prepared by Dian McClurg of the sheriff's of- fice. The January to August total for...

  • Rainbow Girls Take Trip To The Cosmos

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waits- burg chapter of the Rainbow Girls took a "Trip to the Cos- mos" recently to solidify friendships and celebrate a new year of the group. Ten members of the Waits- burg Rainbow group attended an annual campout at Granite Falls, about six hours away. Member Kendra Roberts said the girls left Aug. 10 and re- turned on Aug. 12. The gath- ering was large and included members from all over Wash- ington and Idaho. "The campout is just to get together as an entire jurisdic- tion,"...

  • Sheriff’s Office Searches For New Vehicles

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Aug 23, 2012

    WALLA WALLA - The vehicles driven every day by the Walla Walla County Sheriff's deputies have been discontin­ued because they are no longer safe. The phasing out of the Ford Crown Victoria, used by the deputies, was prompted by the new 2012 highway safety stan­dards, which that vehicle model cannot meet without a serious redesign, officials say. Members of the sheriff's office presented options to replace the long-time standard at a special meeting with the Walla Walla County Commis­sioners on Tuesday, Aug 14. The Ford Crown Victoria has be...


    Aug 23, 2012

    Dixie School District No.101 Minutes When: July 30, 2012 In Attendance: Rich­ard Berrier, Chair Kelly Dabulskis, Judy Skillings ADOPTED AGENDA: ACTION: Mrs. Dabul­skis made a motion to adopt the amended agen­da. Mrs. Skillings sec­onded the motion. Mo­tion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 1) Business manager re­cruitment. ACTION: Mrs. Dabulskis made a motion to approve hir­ing of the new Business Manager Debbie Miller fora2yearcontract.Mrs. Skillings seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Resolu­tion 09-2012: Update bank signing...


    Aug 23, 2012

    ANNUAL PIONEER FALL FESTIVAL WAITSBURG -- Mark your calendars! The Pioneer Fall Festival is right around the corner on Sunday, Sept. 16. The Lion's Club annual salmon barbecue is Sept. 15. The Waitsburg Historical So­ciety is working hard to host a festival to include more of Main Street while keep­ing the event's traditional entertainment and church service. Don't miss out on all of the fun. Details to come in the Times as the date ap­proaches!...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Aug 23, 2012

    The Wine: the incomparable L'Ecole 2011 Chenin Blanc, a white wine, $14 dollars a bottle on the shelf of Walla Walla winery tasting room, 509-525-0940. In the 1970s, West Coast steakhouse bar managers looking for a change switched out their jugs of chenin blanc for the oaken chardonnay by Mondavi. For those who don't like oak, a long-lived Chenin Blanc has far more character than any chardonnay on earth and no oak. The cold fermentation of the L'Ecole Chenin Blanc celebrates orange blossom, star fruit and a crisp mineral finish. Jean Ferguson,...

  • Maxine J. (Bennett) Buchite

    Aug 23, 2012

    Maxine J. Buchite, 87, died August 18, 2012, at Dayton General Hospital of natural causes. Maxine was born De- cember 5, 1924, in Mc- Cracken, Kansas, to Mr. Fay McClellan and Emmaline Lourane (Perkins) Bennett. Her parents moved to Idaho when she was young, and later to Western Washington when she was in her teens. Next they lived in Grand- view, Washington where she met and married David R. Buchite. They moved to the Blue Mountains to a family homestead. Maxine is survived by three children,...


    Aug 23, 2012

    August 23: Babs Cerna, Coleen Langlo, Dan Donavan, Brian Hopkins. August 24: Zach Bartlow, Cathy Lambert, Audeana Ritter, Bryan Harris, Denise Reid, Matt Everett, Taelor Carter. August 25: Michaela Nordheim, Marion Spear, Roland LeVasseur, Alan Ste- phens, Anne Hubbard, Bryan St. Clair. August 26: Ann Barr, Bet- ty Mason, Beverly Harper, Jackie Savage, Darin Mayer, Jeff Katsel, Steven Lybecker. August 27: Brian Rich- ards, Bonnie Brookshire, Amy Farley, Tom Mock, Kippy Counts, Steve Gusse, Shannon Bloor, Justin Ga- gnon, Ashley Witt, Michelle...

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