Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Dayton School Board Aug. 15

*The meeting was called to order and opened with the flag salute. *Dian McClurg asked about a drama department and if there was interest in bringing a drama program back to the district. *Minutes for July 25, August bills and August payroll were approved. *The resignation of Cassandra Thompson as the middle school volleyball coach and the hiring of Cassandra Thompson as the high school assistant volleyball coach were ap- proved. *The hiring of Mikki Smith as assistant cook and dishwasher was ap- proved. * The hiring of Tony Wooldridge as assistant coach for middle school football was approved. *Superintendent Doug Johnson reported on the CEE State Assessment Report. *The board discussed superintendent goals and moved the discussion to executive session. *The board discussed the WSSDA board self- assessment and moved to discuss the assessment further at the 9-5 meeting. *Johnson reported on the alternative learning expe- rience program. *Johnson reported on the Advancement Via In- dividual Determination conference. *Business Manager Paula Moisio reported on the budget status. Discussion about enrollment led the board to add a discussion about full-day kindergar- ten to the agenda for the 9-5 meeting. *The fuel bid from Ag Link was accepted. The dairy bid from Dairygold was accepted. Fees for the 2012-2013 school year was approved. The district improvement plan was ap- proved. An overnight soc- cer trip to Camp Wooten was approved. *The meeting moved to executive session then adjourned.


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