Dixie School District No.101 Minutes
When: July 30, 2012 In Attendance: Richard Berrier, Chair Kelly Dabulskis, Judy Skillings ADOPTED AGENDA: ACTION: Mrs. Dabulskis made a motion to adopt the amended agenda. Mrs. Skillings seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 1) Business manager recruitment. ACTION: Mrs. Dabulskis made a motion to approve hiring of the new Business Manager Debbie Miller fora2yearcontract.Mrs. Skillings seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Resolution 09-2012: Update bank signing authority to add Debbie miller as the new Business Manager. ACTION: Mrs. Skillings made a motion to adopt the resolution. Mrs. Dabulskis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 3) Resolution 10-2011: Update purchasing card signing authority to add Debbie Miller as new Business Manager. ACTION: Mrs. Dabulskis made a motion to adopt the resolution. Mrs. Skillings seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Waitsburg City Council Tuesday, Aug. 21 7 p.m.
Meeting Call to Order Roll Call Approval of the Minutes from July 18, 2012 Public Comment - None New Business a. Resolution 2012-603: Real Property Surplus, Sale to McGregor approved by council, Kevin House Abstained, KC Kuykendall absent b. Garbage contract rate increase - discussion only c. 2002 Sewer revenue bond refinance, approved unanimously d. Rural library district - discussion only, tabled to next meeting e. Resolution 2012-602, Capital Facilities Plan update, approved unanimously f. Coppei Flood Control Project, council approved withdrawing sponsor interest Unfinished Business a. Animal control program update - discussion only, tabled b. Potential real estate acquisition, approved Mayor's Report Council Reports City Clerk Report Approval of Bills Adjournment of Meeting
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