Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg Class of 2024

Simon Andersen

Karen Huwe

Simon Anderson will study botany after graduation.

Simon Andersen plans to study botany at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington in the fall.

Anderson began classes at Waitsburg High School his junior year. His favorite memories are spending time with his friends in Utah.

Cyson Morris

Karen Huwe

Cyson Morris likes the outdoors

Cyson Morris likes the outdoors and hanging out with his friends when he is not playing sports.

Morris has attended Waitsburg schools since kindergarten. He has played football and baseball for the school and is the Vice President of the ASB.

His favorite school memory was his junior year of football season. After graduation, he would like to get a job working on wind turbines.

Peyton Struckmeier

Karen Huwe

Peyton Struckmeier will study to be a nurse.

Peyton Struckmeier is a member of FFA and played volleyball and softball in high school.

Struckmeier has attended Waitsburg Schools since preschool and attended WWCC as a Running Start student. After graduation, she will attend nursing school.

Struckmeier spends her free time hanging out with her dogs and doing homework. Her favorite memory is when the football team had a good year in her junior year.


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