Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

October 24, 2013

[Photo Caption] One-year-old Brailyn Stearns of Huntsville helped her grandma, Lisa Stearns, sell pumpkins in front of grandma's house on the corner of Highway 12 (Preston Avenue) and Harmon Street in Waitsburg on a bright Sunday morning last week. The 22-month-old girl lives on the pumpkin patch and thinks all the pumpkins are hers, grandma says. The Stearns began growing pumpkins two years ago, but this is the first year they've tried selling them to passers-by on the highway.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 29, 1998

The sixth edition of Dingles of Dayton Fall Style Show was held in Ye Towne Hall Sunday afternoon, October 25. This event is sponsored by the Waitsburg Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. Patsy Griffen, a long-time Waitsburg resident, now residing in Walla Walla, was presented her 50-year membership pin. She has been a member of the Auxiliary for 51 years. Nancy Otterson was coordinator and narrator for the fall fashions which featured shirts, sweaters, coats, vests, and dresses for the coming seasons. Edna Thomas provided background music. Modeling during the afternoon were Patty McKinney, Ruth Peterson, Doris Dobbs, Amy Huwe, Annette Becker, Karen Schutt, Raelene Janes, Jessica Hendrickson, Cara Hulce, Tammy Haney, Sarah Monfort, Betty Jo Donnelly, and tiny tots, Jessica and Kyle Darby.

Fifty Years Ago

October 25, 1973

Mrs. R. L. Clapp was greeted by ninety-two friends and relatives on her 80th birthday at her home in Prescott Sunday, October 21st. Those attending from out of town came from Walla Walla, Waitsburg, Dayton, Touchet, Everett, Marysville, Ephrata, Spokane, Seattle, Puyallup, Tacoma, Leavenworth, Wash. and Athena and Burns, Oregon. Her corsage was a gift from her nephews Emory and the Kenneth Clapp family. The Ken Clapps' presence was felt by a telephone call from Lubbock, Texas. Autumn floral arrangements decorated the living room. The table centerpiece was a gift from the Lee and Leonard Hudson families. The birthday cake was beautifully decorated.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 29, 1948

Frank Vennum and Clifford Light have just returned from a successful deer hunt with the Umatilla Indians in Oregon.

As a result of promotional effort by the American Legion to sponsor a safe driving course in the Waitsburg schools, Teague Motor Co. has offered to donate a new 1949 Ford V-8 for this purpose for use in Waitsburg and Prescott.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 2, 1923

Mrs. H. W. Beckley of Benge, Wa. has moved back to Waitsburg for the winter to be with her daughter, Miss Adda who is attending high school here.

Final steps in the purchase of the Fair Grounds by the county were taken Friday morning at the meeting of the County Commissioners when the deed was transferred from the County Fair association to the county.

H. P. Bruch arrived home Monday night from his eastern trip after an absence of more than two months. H. P. left here August 23 for Milwaukee as a delegate from Burnside Post, G. A. R. to the Grand Encampment.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 4, 1898

Lossie Loundagin, Charles Mills and Miss Nellie Law entered the different classes of the High School.

Al Parker was in Spring Valley Tuesday gathering up harvest effects. He has rented his mountain farm to W. L. Harper to whom he sold $1600 worth of stock, feed and machinery.


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