Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

If You Own Forest Land We Can Help!

Washington Farm Forestry Association offers advocacy at fall meeting September 16.

WAITSBURG—The Blue Mountain Chapter of the Washington Farm Forestry Association (WFFA) will hold its fall meeting at Stella’s Homestead, 2194 S. Fork Coppei Road. The meeting begins a 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 16, 2023 in “The Barn” on the property. The topic is a woods tour focusing on improving wildlife, forest health, and fisheries management. All forestland owners and interested public are welcome to attend.

Special guest Ken Bevis, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Stewardship Wildlife Biologist, will share his professional expertise with landowners who want to improve their forest land to enhance wildlife, fisheries, and preserve habitat for woodland creatures. Bevis’ vision for forest land is habitat diversity. More forest diversity means more diverse wildlife. His hopes to be a catalyst and conduit for people to do more for the habitat on their forest land. He uses the tools of education and motivation.

“I want people to maintain habitats for as many species as possible. I want them to be knowledgeable and motivated to improve and protect our rich and diverse wildlife habitats. My task is to understand where my clients are right now, and help them become better stewards of their habitats. I will constantly point out valuable habitat features to any audience, and craft my delivery to them as I see fit,’ said Bevis.

USDA Forest Service (USFS) Pomeroy Ranger District Fisheries Biologist Bill Dowdy will also attend and offer his professional experience managing forest lands to benefit fisheries, including endangered fish species native to the region.

Stella’s Homestead is located just 15 miles northeast of Walla Walla, outside of Waitsburg, WA. A main dish will be provided. Attendees are asked to bring salads, fruit, veggies and/or a dessert.

Please contact Lisa Naylor at (509) 386-6021 if you’d like to attend this informative meeting! Text, phone or email at


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