Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

May 30, 2013

The Dayton school district will say farewell to three very special ladies at the close of this school year. Elementary school principal Katie Leid, first grade school teacher Julie Howard, and school secretary Dallas Dickinson are all set to retire. Combined, these women have well over fifty years experience in education, and for them the decision to begin a new chapter in their lives is bittersweet. Leid, who was born in Walla Walla and raised in Waitsburg, has served as principal for the past nine years in Dayton. […] Howard has taught kindergarten, first, second, third, and fifth grades over a period of 26 years. […] Dickinson began working in the Dayton school district in the 1990-1991 school year. She says she started as a volunteer in the computer lab in the early days of computers, and she got her foot in the door by putting on workshops about how to open Microsoft Word documents.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 4, 1998

Waitsburg High School junior Beth Abbey kicked the final 300-plus meters of the 1,600 m. run, pulling away from the pack and crossing the finish line over 40 meters ahead of her nearest competitor to win first place at the Washington State Girls B State Track Meet in Cheney last weekend. “I’m just in shock,” Abbey said after finishing the race in 5:30.3. “I didn’t think I’d be here after missing the first three meets of the season.” Abbey was one of a group of Waitsburg students who traveled to Japan in late March. That and a late basketball season delayed a normal start to the track season for Abbey. A grandstand full of cheering people gave Abbey an adrenaline charge in the final stretch.

Fifty Years Ago

May 31, 1973

[Photo Caption] Camp Fire girls at their ceremonial on May 13: front row, Nancy Pettichord; Janice John, leader; Peggy Long. Back row, Corale Lucas, Angela McDaniels, Laurie Otterson, and Joan Neal.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

June 4, 1948

Miss Juanita Keve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Keve and Richard Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Long were married at an informal ceremony at St. Joseph’s Church in Dayton, Tuesday June 1.

Miss Janette Lyman became the bride of Kenneth Juger at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lyman, Dayton, at 11 o’clock, Tuesday, June 1.

Shirley Otterson announced the program for eighth grade graduation Tuesday evening. Piano solos were played by Margaret Reed, Bud Killpinski, Charlotte Henroid, and Danny Wood.

One Hundred Years Ago

June 8, 1923

The Days of Real Sport race meet scheduled for Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5 had to be postponed because of the heavy rain which fell those days. In deference to the horsemen here with their runners, the races were held Monday and Tuesday.

A. T. Sutton who for the past four years has been superintendent at Leavenworth, has accepted the superintendency of the Waitsburg schools for the ensuring year to succeed Supt. R. C. McDaniel, resigned.

Donna Buroker and Mabel Groom were among the 158 students at the Ellensburg Normal School who were awarded certificates enabling them to teach.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 10, 1898

William Tucker returned home on Saturday from Portland having completed his course in the business college there. His friends are glad to see him back again.

J. H. Morrow this week purchased a fine bred yearling trotting colt from Thomas Ranau of Dayton. The horse is a beauty and J. H. says he will be ready for good 2-year old raced next year.

John Sampson has purchased the Ide Wickersham residence and the H. J. Woodworth property just across the street, on Preston Avenue. Consideration for the Wickersham property $1000. For the Woodworth property $125 per acre.


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