Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

May 23, 2013

[Photo Caption] GIRLS’ DAY OUT: Stephanie, Helen, Fran and Barbie (a.k.a Steve Martin, Doug Hinds, Chuck Amerein, and Ken Graham) hang out at Thresher’s after the Men’s Drag Races during All Wheel’s Weekend 2012.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 28, 1998

A good crowd was in attendance Saturday night for the 95th reunion and banquet of the Waitsburg High School Alumni Association. Ball games and other commitments cut into the size of the crowd. About 160 folks partook of the prime rib dinner served by Kessler’s of Milton-Freewater. David McKinley presided over the meeting with an able assist from the vice president, Patrick McConnel. The Association gave the nod to a two-year trial period in order that non-graduate spouses could attend the final year of college, trade school or nurses training at 5% interest. Bob Perry was elected to a five-year term with the retirement of Laura Young. Susie Kenney is now chairman with other board members being Neil Henze, Kathy Jones, and Jack Otterson. Althea Shaffer, Walla Walla, class of ’23 was the oldest member present. The class of ’48 celebrating their 50th reunion had 14 present while the class of ’38 was represented by four members, Beth Lloyd Tietjen, Bettie Lloyd Chase, Joe Buroker, and Ed Berland.

Fifty Years Ago

May 24, 1973

Jim Davison, president of the Waitsburg Education Association, and Mrs. Tom Baker appeared at the Monday night meeting of the Historical Society to make the presentation of a plaque for historical achievement. Mrs. Baker had prepared a scrapbook of the Society’s activities which was entered in the Joel E. Chandler Awards for Historic Northwest Preservation contest. Awarding of the plaque from the state office of WEA was the result of the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall visited an arts and crafts fair in Redmond, Wa. on Sunday. They brought back many ideas to be incorporated in the Pioneer Fall Festival planned by the group.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 28, 1948

Mrs. Hesper Archer has been elected to the National Board of Camp Fire Girls, an honor tendered her at the recent Portland meeting.

Joan Pitzen of Prescott and Edna Henley will attend Girl’s State at Pullman in June.

Work started Monday on the long awaited improvement of the lower Waitsburg road to Walla Walla which includes improvement to Zuger Hill.

One Hundred Years Ago

June 1, 1923

The Willing Workers of the M. E. Church are arranging to assist in caring for the crowds during the Days of Real Sport by serving a 50-cent plate chicken dinner in the basement of the church Friday and Saturday.

Johnnie Cummins and wife spent both days here during the picnic last week. He won the fat man’s race, too.

Miss Ruth Eichelberger won first place in the preliminary musical contest under the auspices of the Music Teachers Association Friday afternoon at the high school auditorium in Walla Walla.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 3, 1898

Everything is being rapidly arranged to accommodate a large crowd of people at the Christian Church Camp Meeting which begins on Friday next June 10th. There are prospects of a large number of campers being in attendance.

A double wedding occurred in this city on Wednesday at the residence of C. W. Smith. The contracting parties were Miss Mattie Smith, daughter of C. W. Smith and Mr. F. M. Haskins of Walla Walla, and Miss Jennie Anderson and Mr. A. A. Slate, both of Dayton. Rev. J. S. Anderson officiated.


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