Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

April 4, 2013

At the launch of Paul Gregutt's Waitsburg Cellars, tasters were offered a small ribbon-bound booklet describing the elements of the new wine label's logo. The image contains many symbols – all elements of what inspires winemaker and critic Gregutt and his wife, filmmaker Karen Stanton Gregutt, about being artists in Waitsburg. "Our sense of time both slowed and expanded," Gregutt wrote about the couple's transition to life in Waitsburg, which started about eight years ago. "The century-old trees grounded us. The Milky Way overhead brought a sense of the infinite to our backyard. The wind in the wheat fields, the setting sun's reflection on the grain elevators, the smell of a just-baked apple pie brought to us by a shy neighbor touched our hearts and fed out souls."

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 9, 1998

The game of basketball, as the Harlem Globetrotters have shown, can be an entertaining game and entertain is what teams of W.H.S. seniors and Fraternal Order of Police members gave a good-sized crowd last Friday evening at the Waitsburg gymnasium. The benefit event raised about $400 for the Fraternal Order of Police chapter which is getting established in Walla Walla. A donation from the money raised will be made to the Mike Marshall Trust Fund, said event organizer WWSO Deputy Ray Clayton. Marshall, an Omak, Wash., officer, was killed in the line of duty recently. Clayton coached the W.H.S. junior varsity this past season. After the disappointing climax of the 1997-98 boys basketball campaign, the crowd attending hoped to see Cardinal seniors Chris Pearson, Jesse McCaw, Matt Wyatt and Ryan Leid, with support from fellow seniors Randy Hinchliffe, Adam Erikson, Travis Richardson, Kevin Jones and Jason Kenney, totally demolish the Cop Squad with their amazing shooting and teamwork.

Fifty Years Ago

April 5, 1973

[Photo Caption] Wayne Hinchliffe and his wife, Joan, Route 1 Dayton, have been selected as Cattleman of the Year Family for 1973. Both are well-known in the Waitsburg vicinity.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 9, 1948

W. E. "Bill" Vollmer was elected Mayor of the City of Waitsburg Monday. Councilmen are Roy Reed, John Egli, Ernest Kison, Harold Bloor, and Joe Van Amburgh. H. D. Mills was elected treasurer.

The newly-formed Garden Club will sponsor a plant and shrub exchange Saturday, April 17 as its first activity. L. A. Dyar is president, Mrs. Jake Smith secretary.

Dick Brunton, Donald Calhoun, Leo Cobb, Rodney Dilts, Jerry Hainline, Zane Johnson, and George Lloyd went on an overnight camping trip Saturday to the junction of the Coppei and Touchet. They were accompanied by Scout leader, Ernest Kison.

One Hundred Years Ago

April 13, 1923

The Junior Girls Reserves have been very busy lately. Under the leadership of Miss Tinker they are taking a course in bandaging and have many good times. Rita Ogden was hostess at a very enjoyable Easter party the Friday before Easter. On last Wednesday the girls and their leader enjoyed a hike and wiener roast on a hill east of town.

Arden and Hesper Archer, Marvin Hales, Miss Marcia Eaton and Miss Carolyn Bickelhaupt who are attending school at W. S. C. were among the Waitsburg students who were home for the Easter vacation.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 15, 1898

Lloyd and Marvin are having a cellar build under their meat market. It is to be lined with a thick wall of rock and when done will be one of the neatest as well as one of the warmest cellars in the city.

Last Friday, April 8th, was the tenth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Neace. A number of their friends decided to give them a surprise and on that evening about forty uninvited guests hied themselves to the residence on the corner of 4th and Orchard Streets where a very pleasant evening was spent.


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