Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

March 28, 2013

[Photo Caption] The Waitsburg High School Knowledge Bowl Team pretends to pose in front of the real Space Needle in Seattle. L to R: Thibault Martinelle, Alex Leathers, Hannah Grant, Emma Philbrook, Cherry Dai, Meara Baker, EJ Meserve and Coach Brad Green.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 2, 1998

Turning a hobby into a business is the impetus for Joe Jr. and Jean McCown’s new rock, mineral and mining-related business, which is starting operation at 232 Main Street, in the former dental office of Dr. A. S. Pearson, Sr. this week. The store, called “Dugout,” will be open by appointment only and the McCowns plan to buy, sell or trade rocks and mineral specimens, lapidary supplies, prospecting supplies, antique mining equipment, and antique mining stock certificates and collectible paper. The Dugout is a more visible element of McCown’s long-time hobby – rocks, minerals and mining. McCown, 51, has been collecting minerals since he was about 10 years old. While attending college, he pursued his interest in minerals and geology, eventually owning silver, gold and copper mines in Montana and Nevada.

Fifty Years Ago

March 29, 1973

Waitsburg Lions inducted five new members last Tuesday evening: Al DeCoria, Berger Chase, Gerald Maib, Len Flanagan and Gary Cox. The slate of officers for the 1972-73 year was read for the second time. Election will be conducted at the April 24 meeting. Bill Thompson was nominated for “pin checker,” a newly-formed office under the direction of the Tail Twister. It was “touch and go” whether he would be facing an opposition candidate before the balloting in April. Lion Jack McCaw set up work committees for the Junior Livestock concessions stand, requesting pies from Lions wives on both Friday and Saturday (ask your husbands for the alphabetical key). Four Lions will represent the Waitsburg Club at the District meeting on April 5-7 at Union Gap: Lee Mantz, Jr., Bob Jameson, Bill Thompson and Tom Baker.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 2, 1948

Completed plans for the new grade school are expected this week from the architects in Spokane.

The Crops Judging team of the local FFA attended the contest in Pullman last Saturday. Jack Roberts and Fritz Zuger participating, Neal Alexander, Bob Patton and Howard Smith visited the WSC poultry department.

Attending the wedding of Donald Hinchliffe and Miss Jean Kilpatrick at Weiser, Id. Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hinchliffe, Mrs. Delores Hoxie and Joan, Wayne Hinchliffe, Henry Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Conover, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Clark.

One Hundred Years Ago

April 6, 1923

Frank McCown and family are moving from their home at Walla Walla to their Coppei farm to assist with the spring work.

Mrs. R. O. Williams and Mrs. A. M. McCoy returned the first of the week from Moscow, Idaho where they attended the Presbyterial held there.

Many local nimrods hied themselves to the streams of this county bright and early Sunday morning, the opening day of fishing season in Walla Walla County.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 8, 1898

A surprise party was given Mrs. Mordecai George on Monday night of this week, in honor of her birthday. About thirty guests were present and enjoyed themselves most of the evening by “pulling candy.”

Prof. J. A. Keener, of the Academy, lectured at Whitman College last Friday night on “How to choose a wife.” He received some very flattering press notices.

Women who contemplate taking to themselves husbands who fought in the late war should do so before July 1. After that time no pension will be attached to the marriage certificate.


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