Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

March 21, 2013

Long-time Waitsburg resident, activist and tireless historian Jeff Broom received the prestigious Commercial Club Community Service award on Tuesday, a recognition some said was long overdue. “Jeff has done more than his share to see that Waitsburg is on the map and deserves our thanks for all his volunteer work to support our wonderful community,” club members Larry and Deanne Johnson wrote in their nomination letter. Broom, who received a standing ovation from Commercial Club members during the award ceremony, humbly accepted the award from former Times publisher Tom Baker, saying his community projects have slowed down recently but he will keep volunteering for the foreseeable future. He said his main focus remains on the Waitsburg Historical Society, which he chairs.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 26, 1998

[Photo Caption] This beautiful painting of Wait’s Mill, which operated continuously for 92 years until closing in 1957, was painted and given to the Waitsburg Historical Society by artist Cecil Gagnon of John Day, Ore.

Fifty Years Ago

March 22, 1973

Bernina Sewing Machine Company is again offering prizes of two of their machines to high school girls who excel in sewing, in the State of Washington. The girls are sponsored by Federated Clubs and in Waitsburg, the Progressive Club has that distinction. Mrs. Frank Danielson is president of the club this year with Mrs. Homer Brown serving as sewing chairman. Peggy Baker was the number one seamstress among the Wait-Hi girls and Sandy Olsen was runner-up. These girls will compete with girls from the S. E. district for a place in the State Contest. The prizes at the state level are two Bernina Sewing Machines. Judging for the District Contest will be held April 5th at the home of Mrs. M. L. Weaver.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 26, 1948

Burdette Huwe Returned Sunday from California where he has been employed this winter. He was accompanied by Ray Wisdom of Gardena, Cal.

Jack McCaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay McCaw accompanied other members of the Walla Walla YMCA basketball team to New York last weekend where they played in a tourney.

Glen Smith completed the first planting of Early Perfection peas on the Fred Harris farm in Spring Valley early last week. Pictsweet Foods, Inc. have completed contracting for green peas for the 1948 season.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 30, 1923

W. L. Brown, well-known Coppei farmer, is suffering from a fractured pelvic bone, as the result of being kicked by a horse Tuesday.

William Wardrip recently purchased the Jap Harsch residence on Third Street. They will take possession the first of the month.

Mrs. A. E. Larson, President of the Washington State Federation Women’s Clubs was the guest of honor at the meeting of the Progressive Club one afternoon last week, to which ladies of this city were invited.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 25, 1898

A large wagon load of fruit trees was taken from the Waitsburg Nursery to Lewiston this week.

Garrison Bros., E. W. Abel and another man, four in all, spent Saturday night in this city. They came from Walla Walla and were enroute to Klondike via the Spokane route. They had 26 pack horses with them.

Miss Mida Duncan of Starbuck spent several days in this city this week visiting Misses Jennie and Tina Cox.


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