Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

April 21, 2011

Nearly 600 riders paid a visit to Waitsburg and its surrounding countryside, including this secluded spot on Bolles Road north of town, this past weekend during the 15th annual Tour of Walla Walla. This 3-day, 4-stage cycling race brought bicyclists from all over to Waitsburg’s downtown, its eateries, and its places of lodging.

Say your good-byes to Reid Helford and welcome new Liberty Theater Manager Kirsten Schober at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 20. The celebration includes a free showing of My Life as a Dog followed by a small reception.

Waitsburg Mayor Walt Gobel received a check for $1,000 from Pacific Power’s Regional Community Manager Bill Clemens. The money will be used in conjunction with an Oregon Foundation grant for banners and hanging baskets on Main Street.

Waitsburg junior Eshom Estes ranked second in the state in shot put, throws a discus to finish first in Wednesday’s meet at Borleske Stadium in Walla Walla.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 25, 1996

Property owner Bill Davis has given the city of Waitsburg permission to put a radio tower on land he owns just outside the city on Buttercup Hill.

There was a lot of history at the sixth-grade class presentation Night of the Notables in Waitsburg April 17 as 31 students portrayed famous people from Pocahantas to Joe Montana, as part of a class exercise at the elementary school. Teacher Pam Conover said the exercise was an attempt to help the students personify people they learn about in history lessons.

Efforts by heavy equipment operator Clyde Burdine in fighting the flood in Waitsburg were honored last week at the Waitsburg Commercial Club’s appreciation night.

Tiffany Marick, formerly of Waitsburg, has been named manager of the Dayton Depot. She was hired through the Americorps program.

...Speaking of booze, the Waitsburg Lions Club requested the city approval to operate a booth for selling beer during the Days of Real Sport horse racing at the fairgrounds in Waitsburg. The request was approved.

Fifty Years Ago

May 6, 1971

It is officially canning season now at the local plant of the Green Giant Co. Vic Hawkins has started his 16th year as Employment Supervisor for the Jolly Ho Ho.

The Don Thomas bowling team composed of Carolee Jantz, Helen Clodius, Wilma Thomas, Dorothy Russell, and Esther DeWayne, won the league championship of the Twilight Ladies’ League in Walla Walla at the conclusion of the winter play.

Miss Terry Leslie has been discharged from the St. Mary Hospital following corrective surgery on her leg injured in a skiing mishap.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 17, 1946

The Hirsch Feed and Grain business was burned to the ground early Sunday morning by a roaring fire that lit up the entire north side of town.

Twenty-two seniors will graduate May 13. They include Allen Baim, Hollis Conover, James Cresswell, James Dunn, Melvin Dunn, Robert Jacobson, Robert Loudagin, Robert Perry, Robert Weir, Jacqueline Alexander, Corlene Carson, Irene Casey, Donna Jeremiah, Betty Kellogg, Mary Linville, Joanne Williamson, Janice Roberts, Jean Done, Barbara Arthurs and Ruth Wolfe. Gloria Jean Ray and Helen Lloyd will receive the diplomas from Washington State College at their commencement exercises on May 27.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 20, 1921

Eighteen boys and fourteen girls are due to graduate on May 29. They are Marvin Hales, Vivian

Michelsen, Karl Casey, Leah Sayers, Celestia Loundagin, Wesley Schmitt, Between Read, Crawford Donahue, Jay Benn, Laurence Dumond, Fracis Artz, Austin Woods, Harold Beckley, Maurine Keiser, Harold Roberts, Lydia Beckley, Jay Wright, Elizabeth McCoy, Della Buroker, May Woods, Florence Taylor, Dillard Howell, Orville Wiseman, Joe Evans, Frederica Kershaw, Cecil Danielson, Winifred Burch, Joe Free, Gladys Bateman, Hesper Archer, Charlotte Kingman and Smith Phillips.

Miss Jessie Danielson and Mr. Elmer Newman were quietly married at Sunnyside, Wash. on May 6th according to the announcement made public this week.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 22, 1896

William Bruce and family moved Tuesday to their residence in the suburbs of the city.

Frank Moore and Frank Vining will leave tomorrow morning for the Wallowa and Salmon River countries to be absent till the first of July.

J.N. Taggard and wife have been employed to teach the Huntsville school this coming year. The term will be eight months, beginning on the 14th of September. Salary $65 and $45 per month.

Both are excellent teachers.

At the regular quarterly examination of teachers in Walla Walla last week the following passed successfully and procured certificates.


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