Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

CCHS Wellness Program Completes Successful First Year

DAYTON - According to Columbia County Health System clinic manager Cheryl Skiffington, more than 350 patients at the two clinics run by CCHS - the Columbia Family Clinic in Dayton and the Waitsburg Clinic - have been diagnosed with diabetes. The health system is highlighting that disease in November.

As part of Diabetes Awareness Month, CCHS will mail each of those patients a "Dots for Diabetes" card. The card includes a "tic-tac-toe" board with medical checks patients need to complete to help control the disease. A Diabetes Fair will also be held at Elk Drug on November 14, which is National Diabetes Day.

November marks the beginning of the second time through CCHS's year-long Wellness Program. The program highlights ways that people in the Dayton and Waitsburg communities can help improve their physical, emotional and mental well being. Ten health areas are highlighted over the course of the year, with different promotional materials and outreach to the community for each.

"We had a pretty successful first year," Skiffington said. "There are some things we learned and will improve upon as we move forward."

One of the highlights of the first year of the program has been the billboards and posters on display each month. A particular favorite was the tobacco cessation posters, showing Dayton High graduate Cougar Henderson showing his disdain for cigarettes. The photos were taken by Dayton photographer Nick Page, and the layout was done by CCHS staff.

"The posters have been very popular, and we will continue them," Skiffington said.

October was the final month of the wellness program's first year, and it highlighted men's health. The main event was a men's health presentation at the Plaza Theater in Waitsburg. Speakers included Dr. Kyle Terry, talking about some of the medical issues that concern men, including prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction. Pastor Mike Ferrians discussed men's emotional health, and CCHS physical therapist Randy Castleman gave a presentation on back health.

"We had about 30 men in attendance, which we felt was very good," Skiffington said.

In setting up the wellness program throughout the year, Skiffington is being assisted by CCHS nutritionist Jody Martin along with many of the other medical staff at CCHS. Other groups involved in the campaign include the Columbia County Public Health office and the Coalition for Youth and Families. Each campaign includes activities targeted to the community, businesses and schools.

Following is a list of health topics that will be highlighted in the CCHS wellness program in the coming year, along with their themes and activities: November - Diabetes Awareness Theme : Dia-Beat-This Activities: Dots for diabetes - tic-tac-toe board with health checks to be completed by diabetes patients; Diabetes Health Fair at Elk Drug (details to be announced); billboards and posters. January - Tobacco Cessation Theme: Smoking Doesn't Suit Me Activities: "Five Days to Quit" classes; Billboards; kids' poster contest and video contest February - Heart Health Theme: My Heart, My Life / Paint the Town Red Activities: Heart healthy cooking classes; Heart Run on the Touchet River Dike; Paint the Town Red Valentine's Day activities; jump for heart/hoops for heart March and April - Drug and Alcohol awareness Activities: The Dayton Coalition for Youth and Families will take the lead with programs at local schools, including the "Every

Fifteen Minutes" program and school assemblies; information on prescription lock boxes will be provided; billboards and posters May - Women's Health Theme: We Are Women Activities: Dayton Days parade float; Waitsburg Women's Show; mammography coaching; billboards and posters; Mother's Day activities June and July - Nutrition and excercise Activities: food drive for food banks; weight loss groups; special recipes; glow run; aquacize August - Back to School Theme: Don't Miss the Bus Activities: National Night Out; SHEO kids' anti-marijuana program; posters and billboards September - Cancer Awareness and flu clinics Theme: Relay for Life Activities: Relay for Life; high school "pink out" breast cancer awareness program; drive through flu shot clinics; posters and billboards October - Men's Health Theme: Man Up Activities: Men's health presentation in Waitsburg; posters and billboards


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