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WAITSBURG - Last week's public information meeting regarding a pro- posed water rate increase was pushed back a month, but the City doesn't have the luxury of waiting to address current water system needs. Letters inviting the com- munity to attend the Novem- ber City Council meeting and offer input or ask ques- tions regarding a potential water bill increase were included with Waitsburg residents' most recent utility statements. While a handful of individuals did show up to that meeting, the...
WAITSBURG -- Waitsburg Celebration Days coordinators will offer a local Tack Swap at Town Hall during the Annual Hometown Christmas celebration on Sunday, December 8 at Town Hall, from noon to 3 p.m. The Tack Swap provides the opportunity to buy, sell and swap new and used tack. Local ranch and feed stores are stepping up to offer surplus and donated items. Those who wish to trade, sell and swap tack pay $10.00 per person. Tack includes clothing; boots, hats, belts, saddles, reins and similar items. Participants will check in at 11:45 a....
1 Peter Pan: The Musical The Liberty Theater 3 p.m. Final showing of Peter Pan: The Musical. Purchase tickets online at or at the Liberty Theater box office in Dayton. 2 Story Time (every Monday) Weller Public Library, Waitsburg 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Annual Meeting & Ladies Night Out Dayton's Historic Depot 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wine and hors d'oeuvres will be provided along with a report on the Depot's 2013 activities. Ladies AND gentlemen are invited to see what the Depot has been up to and shop for unique, classic gif...
WAITSBURG - At November's school board meeting Superintendent Carol Clarke reminded attendees to be thankful for Preston Hall - a building dedicated and presented to the community by W. G. Preston 100 years ago Thanksgiving Day. An engraved marble tablet hanging over the entrance of the building reads: "Erected for the People by William G. Preston to Promote Health, Industry and Recreation; to Encourage Practical Education." According to the December 5, 1913 issue of the Waitsburg Times "hell...
DAYTON - Most Dayton fall sports coaches are losing only a few seniors this year. But regardless, each spoke with fondness of youth they've had a hand in raising over the past four years at last Thursday's 2013 Fall Sports Banquet in the Dayton multipurpose room. Head football coach Dean Bickelhaupt had, by far, the largest number of seniors on his team. "We had probably the best team chemistry this year that I've had in all my years coaching," Bickelhaupt said Thursday. "The older players...
SUMNER - For the second time in three years, the WP Tiger soccer team traveled to Sunset Stadium for the state soccer championship in their division. But unlike their first appearance in 2011, they were unable to beat the other teams left standing in the final four this weekend. "Our goal was to get to the final four, which is a feat in itself," assistant coach Jay Potts said. "Once we were there, we knew anything could happen. We would have liked to have gone further, but they (pl...
WAITSBURG - An incident involving two minors at Waitsburg High School last week resulted in a male student from Jubilee Youth Ranch being charged with sexual assault by the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office. The minor was arrested and transported to the Juvenile Justice Center in Walla Walla. According to Chief Deputy John King, statements have been taken and the case is pending review by the district prosecuting attorney to determine if formal charges will be filed....
WAITSBURG - Weller Public Library will be hosting an open house on December 5 from 4 p.m to 6 p.m. to introduce the Washington Anytime Library, sponsored by Friends of the Library. The Anytime Library offers free downloads of E-books and audio books to library patrons. Current patrons will need their library account number to enroll. Those who are not patrons may fill out an account card and receive a number to enroll....
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg music students will be volunteering their talents solo and in small groups during Waitsburg's Hometown Christmas, Sunday, December 8 at Town Hall from 1 pm. To 3 p.m. Kate Hockersmith's bluegrass groups will also be providing entertainment that afternoon. Both the Preston Hall and Waitsburg High School bands will play their own version of Jingle Louie during the Hometown Christmas Parade at 5 p.m. Waitsburg Schools' Christmas Concert, featuring all four school bands will take place Monday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. a...
WAITSBURG - "That's not for you, honey, that's for us to give to other kids." Those words, spoken by a mom to her young daughter, were the whole point behind The Kids' Big Give -- an event that culminated Saturday afternoon at Waitsburg Elementary School where dozens of families gathered to prepare Thanksgiving boxes for those in need. Twenty families - a total of 89 people - were blessed by efforts of their own community through The Kids' Big Give. And those were the recipients. The gi...
A record number of gift- filled Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoeboxes were collected from throughout the Tri-Cities/Eastern Oregon region on Monday and loaded into trucks for the next step of a long journey to needy children in 130 countries worldwide. A total of 14,803 Christ- mas Child Shoeboxes were counted by late Monday evening, surpassing the 2012 collection by 2,161 shoeboxes when a total of 12,642 were donated. Monday's tal- ly also exceeds the region's 2013 goal of 13,777 shoeboxes, said Tricia MacFarlan, OCC regional coordinator....
DAYTON - At Lyons Ferry Marina, near Star- buck, the boat slips are in need of repair. In Day- ton, the swimming pool is closed all winter. Out in the farmland around Day- ton, it's hard for hunters to know where one property ends and another begins. These are some of the concerns that local residents lining up to attend Turkey Bingo on Saturday were presented with as they prepared to buy their bingo cards. There were several others. Two students from East- ern Washington Univer- sity's school...
November 29: Myra Bloor, Lewis Neace, Sherrie Morris, Pat Huwe, Scott Lambert. November 30: Betty Prock, Betty Hofer, David McKenzie, Cameron McConnell. December 1: Debbie Hunter, Linda Rohde, Martin Sauer, Michelle Saranovich, Jean Hinchliffe. December 2: James Liebermann. December 3: Veronica Deal, Angela Smith, Chuck Riddle, Kim Ary, Adam Rich. December 4: Teagen Larsen, Barbara Weaver, George Young, Robert Johnson, Sean Mathews, Cor- rine Miller, Jaimie Winnett. December 5: Anthony Henry, Des Witt, Laura Jean Hevel, Wendy...
Ten Years Ago December 4, 2003 Broetje Orchards, of Prescott, was one of six honorees at National Philanthropy Day ceremonies November 18 at the Seattle Sheraton Hotel. Broetje Orchards is known as a company that grows apples, but also provides a caring community with affordable housing, daycare and educa- tion facilities for its workers. Cheryl and Ralph Broetje own the company, a 4,000 acre operation, which markets apples worldwide under the First Fruits of Washington label. The company employs 900 people year round plus an additional 900...
Let's talk about Holiday food leftovers and what to do with them. For my family, I re-heat a second pump- kin pie, add fresh whipped cream and fresh-frozen blackberries: for breakfast! My following day dinner won't be turkey. Instead, using all the leftover vegetables, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, a can of sauerkraut and juices and one beaten egg, mix all well, pour ingredients in a large buttered casserole and bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40-minutes. Serve this savory Thanksgiving leftover bread pudding with a green salad...
Wheat markets have a language. For the wheat owner right now, the decision to hold wheat in storage or sell it before year-end has many facets, like taxes, interest costs, bills due and so on, but sometimes the market's voice tells us that selling and then paying to hold wheat in storage may make sense. It might even pay a little interest, if the market price structure includes a "carry", that is when prices for contacted delivery in later months are higher than prices for nearby dates. This week, Portland white wheat bids are higher for...
This meeting is open to the public and will take place Thursday, December 5 at 6 p.m. at the Wall Walla Community College Board Room, 500 Tausick Way. Agenda items include: EMS Director Report, EMS training, Emergency Manage- ment Report, Traffic Safety Report, Prevention Report, round table discussion and district announcements....
COLLEGE PLACE - Local communities are banding together in support of Waitsburg graduate Taryn (Thomas) Aguiar and her husband Jose as they fight for the life of their newborn child. In June of 2013 Taryn & Jose found out they were expecting their first chil- dren - twins. In October, they learned the babies were boys - Sebastion and Mateo. On November 4, during a routine ultrasound, the couple learned that Sebastian was no longer alive, though Mateo was doing well. On November 11, Taryn went into active labor and was flown to Sacred Hearth Chil...
Waitsburg 11-19 Burn complaint on Orchard Street, property owner ad- vised there is no burning in City limits. 11-24 Assault reported on Main Street; no arrests made. 11-25 Theft of bicycle from Coppei Street. Dayton 11-19 Vehicle prowl reported on E. Jackson Street; nothingtaken. Drug paraphernalia found on S. 3rd Street. Suspiciousperson reported on e. Tremont Street. Report of trespassingon S. 3rd Street. Vehicle prowl reported on S. 3rd Street. At- tempted telephone fraud reported on S. 2nd Street. Vehicleprowl on E. Washington Avenue; GPS...
OLYMPIA - On Novem- ber 20, legislators in Olym- pia adopted the most recent revenue forecast issued by the Washington State Eco- nomic and Revenue Forecast Council. According to Chief Economist Steve Lerch, the 2013- 15 General Fund-State net change is an increase of $16 million. The forecast also shows an increase of $9 million for the 2011-13 biennium. However, officials are predicting a decrease in rev- enue of nearly $44 million for the 2015-17 budget cycle. A technical adjustment...
Dear Editor, Rosie Warehime and the Friends of the Library would like to thank the Commer- cial Club, our surrounding communities and especially a huge hand clapping to Alli- son Bond from Coppei Coffee for all the hard work and donations from the Haunted House tour. A special thanks also, to Dan Cole, Mike Hubbard, Richard Hinds And Julie Tayloe for their generous donations. There was a wonderful turn out and great fun was had by all. Our library will greatly benefit from the $850 that was raised. Again, thank you so very much. Rosie...
Dear Editor, Veterans Day always re- minds me of World War II. World War II reminds me of the old Waitsburg Theatre. Now how could that be? Back in the 1940's my Uncle, Earl Crossler, ran that theatre. He was running it the year my father, Layton Royse, came home from the war. He was a marine. My Grandfather, Oliver Royse, and my Uncle Donald Royse were out here from Cincinnati Ohio to greet him when he got here. All of us were up in the prosecutor room with Uncle Earl just waiting. I was about five years old, so about 1947. We waited a long...
My first column, as those of you who have read me from the very beginning know, was not funny - at least not terribly so. It was, in fact, a yawn-inducing list of Christmas shopping tips. But hey, the editor liked it, and if it hadn't been for the fact that said page of pointers was printed, you might not be reading this right now. This is a week of honor- ing tradition. This is the last column you're going to read before Black Friday hits. So I thought I'd honor tradition - AND give my loyal...