Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 33
DAYTON - A committee of school staff and interested citizens has been meeting for more than a year to consider potential renovation and changes to Dayton's School facilities. On October 2, the group was presented with a series of options by consultants from BLRB Architects for major renovations to the high school and elementary school buildings, as well as adding some new construction. The projected costs for the six options presented ranged from approximately $17 million to just over $27 m...
PRESCOTT - Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Prescott School District No. 402-37, will hold a Special Meeting on October 10, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the Prescott School District. The meeting is being called in order to review and approve revisions to policies and procedures and to adopt curriculum/instructional materials. To ensure compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 42.30 RCW), the Board will treat the meeting on October 10, 2013, as a special meeting, and provide notice of this...
While I'm not one to pay homage to the oft-revered "high school experience", I have to admit that I do have some fond memories of what, I hope, were not my "Glory Days." That particular Springsteen tune, by the way, was recorded in the midst of my high school career. By then I'd already fallen in love with The Boss and played his "The River" album repeatedly enough to drive my parents nuts - especially since they failed to share my appreciation, insisting that Bruce sounds like he has a mouth...
In keeping with this month's autumn theme, this time of year has me looking forward to the release of one of the great relatively new trends of the wine world. In France the production of Beaujolais Nouveau (made exclusively from the Gamay Noir grape) is in full swing in the southern Burgundy region while in Italy they've decided not to limit the production of this style of wine to just one region or grape but the whole place is crazily awash in Vino Novello made out of everything from Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Corvina, Nero d'Avola,...
Leaves are changing colors and fluttering down off the trees; the smell of wood smoke is in the air, sweaters and boots are being pulled out of storage at record pace. These first cold snaps of autumn make me yearn for comfort food; longings for the richer foods that speak of a rustic countryside full of the flavors and fall staples of which lentilles du puy immediately spring to mind. The little green lentils are kind of a magic bean. They are hearty, flavorful and as mentioned above, loaded with things that are good for you. They are also...
DAYTON -Coach Dan Nechedom says he tends to avoid setting early expectations for his Bulldog cross- country team since his is such a small and ever-changing team. Unsure of just who was going to turn out until the season actually began, Nechedom is pleased with his team of five: three girls and two boys. "I have a fun group of tough-minded runners," said Nechedom, noting that abilities vary widely when it comes to speed and endurance. "With most of the team fairly new to racing, they co...
WAITSBURG - Coach Joanna Lanning admits that her initial expectations for the WP boys' cross-country team where relatively low, especially as compared to last years' successful season. Of the five runners -- the bare minimum required to qualify as a team -- only E.J. Meserve was a seasoned runner, and he had yet to run to his potential. Meserve is joined by junior Tyler Shafer, who has never before competed in X-C and three freshmen: Kyle Gradwohl, Jared Farley and Skylar Wood. "Out of t...
SPOKANE - Dayton came up against a state- championship quality team in St. George in Spokane Saturday. The bulldogs put up a good fight, but fell 9-0. "St. George jumped out to a couple of early scores but our team settled in and played much stronger in the middle of the game," Dayton Coach DJ Frame said. "What was encouraging as a coach, was to see our team stick to the game plan, work hard and improve over the course of the game." Frame said he asked the team to play hard to the end. "They did that without question," he said. "I was very...
BOARDMAN - Sometimes, a loss can be the next best thing to a win, particularly if it's a better loss than the last time. The WP Tigers could not prevail in their second matchup against Riverside in Boardman, but they performed much better than earlier in the season faced with the best team they'll play all season, assistant coach Jay Potts said about Friday's 3-1 loss against the Pirates. "It was a fun game to watch and be a part of," Potts said. "Riverside is the best team we'll see all year. We held our own." The Pirates scored first in the...
WAITSBURG - The abundance of school spirit on display at Thursday night's volleyball match at home against DeSales wasn't quite enough to push the Lady Cards on to a win, though they came close. WP lost to the Irish in a well- fought five-set match. The outlook was promising in set one, with WP taking the lead early on and maintaining it to win by eight, with a score of 25-17. DeSales took advantage of missed serves from WP in set two, winning with a score of 25-22. In set three it was D...
DAYTON - It was a good week for the Dayton Bulldogs volleyball team. The girls beat Walla Walla Valley Academy on Thursday, after cruising to victory over the DeSales Irish last Tuesday. "Everyone has been contributing, which has paid off for us with wins," head volleyball coach Shannon Turner said. "These girls have really stepped the last three matches which has made a big difference." Dayton won at home against DeSales in straight sets, 25-21, 25-20 and 25- 12. Madison Mings had 13 k...
WALLA WALLA - The Waitsburg-Prescott Cardinals invaded Irish country Friday night and racked up six touchdowns on the way to a 42-20 victory over DeSales. Three rushing TDs by Chance Leroue, two keepers by quarterback Owen Lanning and a James Thompkins reception late in the game paced the cards to their dominating win. "The big play was the TD right before the half to go up 29-6," said Bartlow. "That made a huge difference, and scoring before half has proven to be a huge factor in win...
The Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office has sched- uled a Prescription Drug Take-Back Event for October 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Waitsburg Fire Station on Main Street. This is an op- portunity for citizens to bring in old and unwanted pre- scriptions for free disposal. Following are some im- portant facts on prescription drugs from the DEA: - Unused or expired pre- scription meds are a public safety issue, leading to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse. - The non-medical use of prescription drugs ranks second only to marijuana as...
WAITSBURG - The date of Waitsburg's October City Council meeting has been changed from Wednesday, Oct. 16 to Monday, Oct. 14 to accommodate board member scheduling conflicts. City Council meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are held at the Lion's Club Build- ing at the Waitsburg Fair- grounds....
WAITSBURG - If you ask a first grader what dogs eat, you'd expect the answer to be "dogfood". However, if you posed that question to the students in Dinah Lindsey's first grade class at Waitsburg Elementary you'd get a far more unusual answer - "books"! And they would be correct. On Monday, representa- tives from Blue Mountain Realtors in Dayton visited Lindsey's class to introduce the Books with Bailey read- ing program. Benedicte Carbonnier announced the arrival of Loretta Melanson and...
The Walla Walla County Lodging Tax Advisory Com- mittee has announced the availability of funds for the purpose of supporting tour- ism promotion-related events or projects in the county. $35,000.00 will be available for grants for 2014. Applica- tions for grant funds for 2014 projects will be accepted until December 2, 2013 and forms can be obtained from the county's website (www. or by contacting the County Commissioners' office. The county currently has a lodging tax in place, with certain of the proceeds designated for...
October 11: Val Woodworth, Betty Branson, Mi- chael Flannigan, Tracy Fine, Melody Harris, John Doty, Kim Porter. October 12: Logan Dozier, Brian Krause, Pat Abel, Theo Byergo, Kelly Piersol, Michele Robert, Terry Hofer, Dodie Perry. October 13: Joan Miller, Robert Smith, Becky Brown, Steve Sickles, Bertha Poirier, Earl Smith. October 14: Dianne Zuger, Dana Adkins, Dorothy Bush, Jared John, Jace Zuger. October 15: Robert Webber, Wayne Stonecipher, Debbie Cobb, Marcus Zuger III, Robin Marshall. October 17: Fred Hofer, Jr., Lorene Swauger, Jim...
Ten Years Ago October 16, 2003 Kellyo and Rosie Gallaher of Huntsville were top in their divisions as the Northwest 2003 Old-timers Rodeo series galloped to a stop. Rosie Gallaher became the 2003 ladies barrel racing champion in the 50-59 age category. Kellyo was the All-Around Champion in the 40-49 age category. In calf roping he earned the fastest time of the year - 9 45, and lassoed his way to champion calf roper. He placed third in both breakaway roping and team roping. His part- ners during the season included Keith Crisher of Benton City,...
The regional harvest is coming to a close for 2013, which got me thinking: other than wheat and grapes, what other massively produced foods are harvested here on the eastern side of the state? This week I was invited out to the Ferrell Seed Farm, just outside Walla Walla, to see firsthand how the chickpea is pre- pared for perspective buyers from around the world. I came away from the visit knowing more about this popular locally grown legume and its internal properties. The chickpea - also known as a garbanzo bean, Bengal grain or cei ci bean...
The existence and validity of any actively traded market depends on the flow of decisions and actions of a very large number of people. Without this minute-by-minute flow of activity from thousands of speculators, hedgers, end- users, governments and investors each trading day, the market becomes weak, fragmented and much more easily dominated by a few large entities, especially when those entities enjoy their own very wide inside network of "real-world" informa- tion sources. An entity like, say, a multinational grain mer- chandiser, or maybe...
WALLA WALLA - The Blue Mountain Veteran's Coalition & Echo Company 181 BSB will be sponsoring the Veteran's Standdown on Wednesday, October 16 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will take place at the Walla Walla Fairgrounds Community Center at 363 Orchard Street in Walla Walla. All military veterans are welcome with a special invitation to homeless veterans. The following services will be provided at no charge: Eye exams, dental exams, veteran benefit officers will be available, PTSD counseling, employment services, haircuts, showers, hygiene...