Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the September 5, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Columbia County Fair this Weekend

    Sep 5, 2013

    DAYTON - The Columbia County Fairgrounds has been full of hustle and bustle this week, get­ting ready for this week's county fair. This year's theme is "Sew It, Grow It & Show It at the Fair." Open class and exhibits will be displayed in the Pavilion and Youth Building The fair runs Friday through Sunday. Friday night's feature is a motocross event, followed by a street dance on the Midway with the band Vintage. Saturday will be the 4-H BBQ and the Live­stock Sale during the day. Saturday n...

  • Corral Wrangler’s 4-H Club Wins at Walla Walla Fair

    Sep 5, 2013

    Waitsburg's 4-H livestock club, the Corral Wranglers, placed well at the Walla Walla County Fair last week­end. Club members earned top awards with Champion and Reserve Champion plac­ing in beef, swine and goat categories. Waitsburg Corral Wran­gler Beef won the Dan Oliver Memorial Herdsmanship Award and the club placed 3rd in Livestock Judging. Grace Coulston won the Superintendent Sportsman­ship award and the Joan Ar­bini Memorial, "I Gave it My All" Award. Waitsburg Corral Wrangler Live...

  • Digital

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 5, 2013

    While I doubt I'll ever completely do away with my paper planner/calendar, I have to admit that I love Google's web-based Cal­endar! It's certainly not the new kid on the block when it comes to online event track­ing, but it's still my favorite, simply because it can be used in so many ways. The first, and most obvi­ous use, is as a basic calen­dar. The neat thing here is that you can set up a variety of different calendars and choose who you want to share them with. For ex­ample, I assign a di...

  • Books

    Tanya Patton|Sep 5, 2013

    I confess - I like junk food, especially salty, crunchy, fat-laden potato chips. An open bag is an empty bag. Of course potato chips don't provide anything positive in the way of nutrition but they sure taste great in the moment. Some books are like junk food. They offer a tasty high- calorie reading experience but lack " nutrition" to stimulate the reader's emotional or intellectual growth - and sometimes that's just okay. This summer, I've been on a junk-food book binge because my life circumstances are a bit overwhelming and my stress meter...

  • Freshmen Boost Bulldogs’ Ranks

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Sep 5, 2013

    DAYTON - Bulldogs head coach Dean Bickel­haupt and his players are ready for their first test of the season: Thursday night's matchup against the Mac Hi Pioneers. And it doesn't faze the team to have only 19 eligible players. "We're ready," Bickel­haupt said about the home game that kicks off at 7 pm. "They're excited about it. We'll see how we do." After ending the 2012 season with a 1-8 record, the 'Dogs hope to improve their fortunes with an influx of six freshmen, some of whom Bickelhaupt d...

  • More Sports Previews Coming

    Sep 5, 2013

    Throughout September The Times will provide in-depth previews of each of the fall sports teams at WP and Dayton. Next week we'll feature volleyball, followed later by soccer and cross country. Each week this fall we'll also bring you re­sults for all of the week's games and competitions. Go Cardinals, Tigers and Bulldogs!...

  • Dayton’s New Bleachers Ready for Fall Spectators

    Sep 5, 2013

  • WP Goes After Another League Title

    Ken Graham, The Times|Sep 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Coach Jeff Bartlow says the biggest challenge for his WP foot­ball team this year will be to replace 13 departing seniors. "Of the 24 spots on the field, only nine return, as we lost our kicker and punter too," he said. The Cardinals enter this season as four-time defend­ing 2B Southeast District champions. But they'll start the year with an untested quarterback in junior Owen Lanning. "We think our defense will be strong," Bartlow said. "We hope to keep our opponents in check to g...

  • Sheep to Shawl Returns to the Kirkman House Museum

    Sep 5, 2013

    Sheep to Shawl, a free family festival at the Kirk- man House Museum that explores how our ancestors made their clothing from wool takes place Saturday, September 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children will delight at the sheep shearing. Visitors will also enjoy demonstra- tions of wool carding, dye- ing, spinning and weaving of the wool shorn that day. Lace making and knitting on a vintage sock machine will also be demonstrated. Local and regional ven- dors will offer handmade items for sale. Besides a variety of handmade textiles, articles for...

  • City Administrator Recognized

    Sep 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - City Ad- ministrator Randy Hinchliffe received the 2013 Profes- sional Finance Officers Award from the Washington Finance Officers Associa- tion. This is his sixth time to receive the award. The Professional Finance Of- ficer Recognition program provides an opportunity for members to be recognized for their continued professional development and achievements in the govern- mental finance arenas....

  • Rainbow Selects Worthy Advisor

    Dena Wood, The Times|Sep 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - In a Waitsburg tradition dating back over 75 years, a new slate of Rainbow Girls' of- ficers was sworn in at their installation ceremony on August 21. The Masonic Hall was filled with friends, family and Rainbow Girls from neighboring chapters in what Mother Advisor Karen Mohney said is one of the largest turnouts she can recall. Every six months, the group elects new officers, allowing the girls to advance in their ranks and practice leadership skills. The posi- tion of Worthy...

  • Columbia County Fair Schedule

    Sep 5, 2013

    September 6, 7 & 8, 2013 Sew It! Grow It! Show It! Friday: 6 a.m. Cattlemen's free breakfast (with paid gate admis- sion) 9 a.m. Fairgrounds open 6 p.m. Local motorcycle races & ATV rodeo ($4 per per- son) 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Street dance on the midway with Vintage Saturday: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. 4-H Marksmen Club Breakfast (bydonation) 9 a.m. Fairgrounds open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4-H "Best BBQ You'll Ever Have" (eightand over, $7; seniors, $5; seven and under, $3) 12:30 p.m. Livestock sale 6 p.m. Jackpot Rodeo (13 and over, $6; seven to 12, $5) 8...

  • Volunteers Will Help DSHS Clients

    Ken Graham, The Times|Sep 5, 2013

    DAYTON - Columbia County and Waitsburg area residents have a new source of help when applying for state aid. Pastor Marj Johnston, of the First Congregational Church in Dayton, received a grant in July to purchase computer equipment that will allow her and other volunteers to assist clients when they apply for pro- grams offered by the Wash- ington State Department of Social and Health Services. Using the new laptop or tablet computer, and with a volunteer's help, applicants can access DSHS prog...


    Pioneer Portraits|Sep 5, 2013

    Ten Years Ago September 11, 2003 In her first major dressage competition, Maya Garcia of Waitsburg earned first place in the intro A division and re- ceived high point overall. She competed August 22-24 in a regional show of the United States Dressage Federation held in Boring, Oregon which included competitors from Idaho, Washington and Oregon. She is the daughter of Maria and Roger Garcia, and great granddaughter of Betty Land and the late Albert Land, all of Waitsburg. Garcia, who is a sixth grader this year, trains with Kate Sullivan at...


    Sep 5, 2013

    Sept. 6: Summer Wood, Caris Cole, Ed Larson, Jeanette Hansen, Robert Henze, Nancy Wittman, Orrin Anderson. Sept. 7: Scott Rarick, Nancy Crowe, Maxine Mercer, Kristi Kiefel, Bob Danforth, Chris Pearson, Jeff Pierson, Justin Reedy, Joy Lindsey. Sept. 8: Gus Senter, Erma Lee Smith, Jo Gouge, Amy Branson, Patty Mantz, George Lloyd III, Esther Cox, Carol White, Patsy Gouge, Ronda Eastwood, Claire Lyman. Sept. 9: Cadman Donovan, Trevor Johnson, Terry Fergu- son, Melissa Christensen, Bob Rea, Amie Green. Sept. 10: Bill Stonecipher, Lorna Zajac, Lana...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Sep 5, 2013

    A s with every autumn, our summer flower and vegeta- ble gardens fade and the job of turning and replenish- ing the soil with fresh, rich, crumbly-as-chocolatecake organic compost takes place. Hopefully, you'll be using your own homemade compost. If you haven't created homemade compost before, first you need a compost bin. There are many kinds of bins avail- able in gardening catalogs and your garden supply, but you can build your own compost bin like I did using five "free" wooden pallets from your local hardware store. Simply bolt four...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Sep 5, 2013

    A cross the US and now into Canada, combines are be- ing air-blown off and carefully parked, to await win- ter overhaul and prep for yet another harvest season. Wheat producers have their calculators warmed up and have begun to sell off or ship previously sold grain to pay the sum- mer bills. The buyers of wheat are also watching the markets a bit more closely now. On Tuesday, Chicago wheat prices opened almost a dime higher following the three-day Labor Day weekend, but there was not enough power for warp-drive, so we fell back onto impulse...

  • Sow it! Grow it! Share it!

    Sep 5, 2013

    What: Christian Woman’s Connection Where: Seneca Activity Center, 104 Green Giant Camp Rd. Dayton, WA. When: September 11, 2013 Time: 11:30am to 1:30pm Catered by: The Touchet River Catering Cost: $10.00 Words of Encouragement: Jan Boom, from Rich- land OR. shares a delightful and inspiring weave of stories, both humorous and tragic. Special Feature: Betsy Nemitz will share her expertise on growing, drying and cooking herbs. Special Music: Cougar Henderson of Waitsburg, Wash. will share vocal selections. Reservations are needed no later than t...


    Sep 5, 2013

    Waitsburg 9-2 Report of 4th degree domestic violence and maliciousmischief on W. 7th Street. Dayton 8-27 Shoplifting reported on W. Main. Alcohol problem re- ported on S. 4th Street. Loose horses reported at County Shop. Juvenile problem reported on S. 4th Street.Domestic violence between male and female on S. 4th Street, male arrested. 8-28 Viscous dog reported at Valley View Court. 8-29 Vandalism; rock was thrown through window of com- mercial business on W. Main. Non-injury deer vs. vehicleaccident on Highway 12. Vandalism; graffiti on...

  • “My Beloved Little Fair”

    Sep 5, 2013

    The Columbia County Fair is coming up this weekend, so I've been in sales-pitch mode all week long. (In fact, I would pitch to all of you, but there are some thorny ethical issues in- volved with using my column as an advertising vehicle. Bummer.) It feels so odd to have the fair-court season com- ing to a close so soon. Wasn't it just yesterday that I learned that, for the second time, I would be Hostess Emma, travers- ing Southeastern Wash- ington in cowboy boots and a satin sash and way too...

  • Something We Agree On

    Sep 5, 2013

    This weekend, we marked Labor Day with some work on a rental we own. Kar- en, Rainier and Niko helped me clean and paint the three-bedroom home where tenants had dwelled for almost a decade before moving on. To make these mun- dane tasks more enjoy- able, we brought the boom box from the house and the boys got to play their favorite tunes. Niko chose several dub step artists and rappers. Rainier opted for Smashing Pumpkins. All of it was too rau- cous for my taste, but lo and behold Rainier...

  • A Great Time to be a Fan

    Sep 5, 2013

    How many players line up on offense on a foot- ball team? For our sports-challenged readers, the answer is eleven. For a high school team, it doesn't matter if your school has 200 students or 2,000, the answer's still 11. (Okay, there's such a thing as eight-man football at RE- ALLY small schools, but we'll ignore that.) And how many sports are there for kids to play at Dayton or WP? Just in the fall, there are four: Football, volleyball, soccer and cross country. All year long there are more than a dozen. Young athletes at our local high schoo...

  • Political Cartoon

    Sep 5, 2013

  • Moratorium on Marijuana Businesses to be Considered

    Sep 5, 2013

    DAYTON - The Columbia County Commissioners will hold a Public hearing September 18 to consider a new ordinance placing a moratorium on marijuana- related businesses in the county. According to a release issued by the Commissioners' office, the board has drafted a measure "Declaring an Emergency, Establishing an Immediate Moratorium on the Siting, Establishing, and Operating of Any Struc­tures or Uses Related to Marijuana Production, Mari­juana Processing, or Marijuana Retailing, and Medical Marijuana Collective Gardens and Dispensaries, and t...

  • Prep Football Previews Inside

    Sep 5, 2013

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