Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 15, 2015

[Photo caption] WP wrestler Tyler Brooks performs a take-down on Wa-Hi's Isaac Melton during a home match against Wa-Hi and Columbia-Burbank on Monday night. Brooks won his only match of the night in a 7-4 decision in the 170-pound division. A highlight of the evening included a first-ever win by WP grappler Dejay Lalka who's win had the coaches and crowd in tears. Lalka won by a 11-7 decision in his second match against Walla Walla High junior varsity wrestler Cameron Bennett.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 13, 2000

The recently resurrected Waitsburg Booster Club is starting small but dreaming big. Lofty goals include a permanent structure housing an announcer's booth/press box at the local football field. The group recently supplied the school district with a Cardinal-head stamp to imprint the mascot in red ink on the hands of those paying admission to basketball games.

Interim president Ross Hamann, a 1980 graduate of Waitsburg High School, envisions the Booster Club doing more than holding bake sales and buying sports equipment. He sees the group promoting Waitsburg Schools not only with financial backing and community support, but also by conveying the message about the quality of life in Waitsburg and its excellent school as a means of attracting more families to town.

Fifty Years Ago

January 16, 1975

Waitsburg Lions inducted five new members last Tuesday night: Scott Branson, Ken Cole, Alan Jackson, Ken Miller and Dean Shea.

A Treasurer's report showed that the club has a balance of $2,189.34 in funds to be expended on community projects and club expenses.

Lee Mantz, Jr., brought up the possibility of a club uniform with matching shirts and bib overalls. It will be discussed at a later meeting.

The Waitsburg Club has 12 rooms reserved for the convention in Penticton, B.C. Zone Chairman Jack McCaw is exploring the possibility of a chartered bus for transportation.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 20, 1950

Mother's Club is holding a "Winter Wonderland" dance Saturday, January 21 in the grade school auditorium. The committee includes the W. H. Archers, J. W. McConnells, Homer Reeds, Leland Kesslers, W. Y Johnson, J. O. Nettles, Percy Huwes and the Vernon Schmalenbergs.

Sleet was falling Thursday morning with temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees. Drive Carefully!

Nine girls of the 4-H Cooking Club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Charlotte Danielson on Saturday, January 14. They cooked cereal, apple sauce and made cinnamon toast for the club members and three guests.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 23, 1925

Joe Mitchell this week purchased his partner's half-interest in the barber shop of Mitchell and Rice, known as the O.K. Baths. Joe thus becomes the sole proprietor.

Will Wardrip and family returned home Thursday of last week from Olympia where they have been for several weeks. Will says there is considerable building activity at the state capital just now and that business is reported very fair in that section.

Fourteen members of the Priscilla Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. W. Freeman. The hours were spent in needlework.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 26, 1900

A number of Academy scholars made a raid upon the bachelor quarters of Gaston Wilson and George Latt one night last week in the form of a surprise party. The evening was spent very pleasantly with a taffy pull.

George A. Williams of McMinnville, Oregon opened up a boot-black stand in Stewart's barber shop this week where you can get a first class shine for only ten cents.

M. Zuger sold his wheat he shipped to Portland last fall for storage, to the PCE Co. last week. We could not learn the price received.


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