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Watercolor portrait demo and reception at Cavu Cellars

WALLA WALLA - The Art of Friendship exhibit at the CAVU Cellars gallery has been extended through June. The show, which is the second for this group of friends, celebrates the work of seven area artists. The artists have been meeting and supporting each other's art since 2018. Their first show was in June 2022 at Cavu.

The award-winning watercolorist, Mareth Curtis Warren, will demonstrate her portrait painting process during a reception on June 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the gallery.

Submitted photo

Mareth Curtis Warren

Warren has been painting in watercolor for over 70 years and has taught many artists across the United States and abroad. She graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Art History, followed by a stint in the Peace Corps in Micronesia, raised a family, and a career in research.

From the faces of Inuit children to the secluded beaches of Micronesia; from the snowy streets of urban Belarus to dust-swept hills of Bahrain; from poor farmers on tea plantations of Indonesia to survivors of Auschwitz; from the coastal scenes to the craggy mountains of her home Northwest region; from her garden and her family, Mareth brings treasured images to the fore and expresses her art with passion and zeal.

In addition to Warren, The Art of Friendship features the work of Barbara Bates, Brenda Bernards, Shannon Kimball, Marilee Schiff, Betty Simcock, and Bobbi Walker.

Cavu Cellars is located at 175 E. Aeronca Avenue across from the Walla Walla Regional Airport.


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