Ten Years Ago
October 10, 2013
Coach Joanna Lanning admits that her initial expectations for the WP boys' cross-country team were relatively low, especially as compared to last year's successful season. Of the five runners – the bare minimum required to qualify as a team – only E. J. Meserve was a seasoned runner, and he had yet to run to his potential. Meserve is joined by junior Tyler Shafer, who has never before competed in X-C and three freshmen: Kyle Gradwohl, Jared Farley, and Skylar Wood. "Out of those five, our senior was the only athlete who put in the miles required over the summer," said Lanning. "Summer miles are vital to be competitive and reach your full potential. It's like money in the bank."
Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 15, 1998
[Photo Caption] Kristina Oakes and her father Armando share a light moment upon their return from Camp Wooten earlier in the day. Armando, a USAF sergeant, traveled from Texas to serve as a camp counselor while Kristina attended camp.
Fifty Years Ago
October 11, 1973
Bob Olson has been elected president of the senior class of Waitsburg High School for the coming year. He will be assisted by Shane Donnelly, vice president; and Cath Lemler, secretary-treasurer. Junior class officers are David McKinley, president and Dan McKinley vice president with Theresa Hulce as secretary-treasurer. Laurie McCaw will serve as president of the sophomore class with David Webber as vice president and Robin Hutsell, secretary-treasurer. John Lindsey is president of freshman class with as assist form Trudy Scott as vice president and Carol Witt as secretary-treasurer.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
October 15, 1948
Costume prizes were awarded to Mrs. Leroy Todt and Andy Anderson at the last dance of the Waitsburg dancing club which had as its theme "Back to School."
Joe Van Amburgh, Frank Vennum, Marion Spear, Dick Long, Elmer Hazelbaker, Mrs. Bob Brown, Ivan and Andy Keve have checked in deer this week.
Rainbow Girls will have a doughnut sale on Saturday, Oct. 16. The doughnuts will be homemade by the mothers of the girls.
One Hundred Years Ago
October 19, 1923
H. V. Grubbe says that he would like to have his stepladder brought home as soon as the party who borrowed it from his East 6th Street place gets through with it.
Jay Wright, Eston Mock and Berl Mock left Monday by auto for Los Angeles, Cal. where they expect to work during the winter.
Street Commissioner Ed Ramseur with the aid of a road grader, is doing a lot of good to our dirt streets since the rains.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 21, 1898
The IXL Grocery, Fred McCoy prop., will have a fine car load of Burbank potatoes the latter part of this week. Owing to the fact that good potatoes are so scarce throughout this section they will be in good demand and may be had for 85c per sack.
J. B. Loundagin, Albert Loundagin and Lossie Loundagin are in Portland this week "taking in" the Exposition.
The name of Miss Fannie Weller who is teaching a very successful term of school at Washtucna, Wash. is added to our subscription list this week.
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