Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

July 12, 2012

Waitsburg’s own eight-year-old Mya Wood is heading to Tacoma this August for a chance to represent Washington State in the National American Miss pageant. The state competition for her age group, seven-to-nine-year-olds, will be Aug. 9 though 12 at the Murano Hotel in Tacoma, Wood said. “I’m kind of nervous but I’m excited about the competition,” she said. Wood’s first grade teacher Dinah Lindsey said she thinks Wood has a real possibility of becoming the next Miss Washington.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 17, 1997

Pat Horlacher of Waitsburg has an affinity for horses – and it paid off big as the 15-year-old won $500 and the winner’s belt buckle in the Dayville (Ore.) Fourth of July Cross Country Horse Race. Horlacher, on his eight-year-old Mustang named Cayuse, placed second in last year’s race. Pat’s 10-year-old sister, Carley, placed fourth and received a woven western blanket, a comb and a brush for her horse. His time this year was 11:06; Carley’s time was 12:12. Carley at 10 was the youngest person to ever enter the race. The approximately five-mile race course takes horse and rider through rough, sagebrush-dotted terrain and finishes with a plunge into the John Day River then another 100 yards to the finish line.

Fifty Years Ago

July 13, 1972

[Photo Caption] This barn, on the Bill Davis ranch east of Waitsburg, is now in a different location, thanks to the effort of a crew of building movers. The Davis buildings will be moved closer to the Touchet River to allow room for the new SR12 bypass to go through.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 18, 1947

A terrific dust storm swept through this area last Thursday afternoon, causing a sudden blackout in Waitsburg about 5:15 which lasted 20 minutes. The dust was so black and heavy that complete darkness and the failure of electric power caused grief among many.

Betty Anderson, Elaine Land, Shirley Otterson, Beverly Nutting and Margaret Nelson are spending this week at the Christian Camp on the shores of Liberty Lake. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lila Babcock and Rev. Harry Anderson.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 14, 1922

Mrs. W. E. Singer and W. H. Walker, who own land which embraces a popular swimming hole on the Touchet below town, are complaining that the boys who visit the pool are not playing fair. Somebody is continually cutting the wire of the line fence, thus permitting the stock to get out into the adjoining field and damage gardens, etc.

Miss Lola Danielson recently accepted a position in the telephone office. She expects to work here during the summer months.

Henry Zuger and John Clodius of this city, are erecting a cabin in the mountains ten miles past Godman Springs on the new road for camping and hunting headquarters. Len Neal is doing the work.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 16, 1897

Snake river peaches were in the market this week, but we have seen none from there that compared with those raised by J. D. Toaggard right here near our own city.

Fred Cox commenced work yesterday on his new barn which he is building on the Besserer property, recently purchased by him. The barn is to be 20 ft. square and 16 ft. high.

Large numbers of strangers from the upper country may still be seen on our streets waiting for employment in the harvest fields. A good many have secured work as soon as harvesting commences in earnest. Wages for harvest hands are some better than they were last season.


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