Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

I Apologize for my Whining

I apologize for my uncalled-for pity party indulgence last week. In retrospect, although I don’t live a charmed life, I do live a pretty good one here in Waitsburg. Moving here was a difficult decision for me, but like most things in my life, I act on impulse, don’t overthink anything, and try not to look back. I’m glad I made the move.

I left my family, friends, nearly 12 months of sunshine, countless ethnic restaurants, and great sushi to take on the renovation of an ancient and decrepit house while knowing not one person here and hoping I’d make a friend or two along the way. Some take the roads less traveled. For me, the streets without traffic are still the big allure. And those roads have had numerous unanticipated twists and turns. Most of which have been great, while some I will call “learning experiences.”

One learning curve is gardening. Still, somewhat of a new venture to me, it remains a nemesis but with benefits. It’s November and we’re still eating lettuce, arugula, and herbs from our garden.

Trying to master the accounting for the restaurant is another challenge, and I don’t see the benefits. Who said debits on the left and credits on the right are all you need to know? Now, it’s Quick Books, Square, Banner Bank, and American Express, who “talk” to each other, and not always in the same language, and definitely not in my language.

Keeping my house clean is impossible. I’m getting better at ignoring the dirt, mud, and leaves that reappear on the floor within minutes of the sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming. Muggsy’s best day is when he eviscerates a new toy by pulling out all the stuffing and then obliterating the squeaker that was once inside. I have tufts of white stuffing from one end of the house to the other. Thank goodness for cheap toys at the Dollar Tree!

Daniel’s philosophy of bed making is now mine as well; why make the bed if we’re just going to get in it again. I just keep reminding myself not to sweat the small stuff and no more pity parties!

The reality is that there are so many good things in my life and so much to celebrate. I have made extraordinary friends here; I have great neighbors, beautiful scenery, good wine, and a new local tennis buddy.

Also, I just became slightly richer! Last week, I received a letter from Social Security stating they had made an error in my Social Security calculations and owed me $18.00 for the year. In addition, future checks would be increased by two dollars which almost buys me a cup of coffee a month. I’m sure it cost more to pay the person who made the calculation, wrote the letter, and of course the paid postage.

While sweeping Friday, I found a wrinkled 20-dollar bill in the corner. I like it when cleaning “pays off” in cash! Moving my warmer clothes out of mothballs, I confirmed I have enough cheap turtlenecks to hide my wrinkled neck, keep me warm, and I won’t care that they will be destroyed by bleach by the end of winter.

I read this interesting tidbit on Instagram: “Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is a salad.” I have a big bowl of Halloween candy left. Maybe if I eat more “salads,” I will lose those last ten pounds that still haunt me. Or is that just wishful thinking?


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