Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

October 13, 2011

It has been 25 years since Markeeta Little Wolf has belted out songs with her powerful voice to an audience. Little Wolf performed on TV, in club acts and even on the theater stage in musicals from age 12 to 28, when she gave it all up to sell real estate and have a different kind of life. Little Wolf realized about one yar ago that she still has one more show in her, she said. And she's been working since on songs, lighting, and costumes to give her friends in Waitsburg a piece of her she's kept quiet for so long.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 10, 1996

Myra Bloor, Waitsburg, was one of six contract mail carriers in the region recently honored with the Eagle Spirit Award, which recognizes highway contract mail carriers for exemplary service. Myra has over 30 years of rural mail carrying experience in the Waitsburg-Prescott area, carrying mail to the same families her father, William Wardrip, served in his long mail carrying career. In addition to numerous friends and relatives who joined Myra at the Prescott Post Office last Thursday, two postal service supervisors from Seattle were in attendance to maker the presentation.

Fifty Years Ago

October 14, 1971

The work of re-shingling the Bruce House on Main Street continues this week with the job about half done. Scaffolding which has been placed around part of the house will be completed and left in place in order to accommodate painters and glaziers. Mrs. Ernest Kison, treasurer for the Waitsburg Historical Society, reported Monday night that the income for the group to date amounts to $11,122.75 with $2,169.51 of the amount being from the sale of books and magazines. The rest is derived from membership fees, donations, and memorials.

[Photo Caption] Pat Mohney, who received a broken ankle in the Ritzville game, carried water for the Cardinals last week and encouraged them in their efforts against the Connell Eagles. It's a bit hard carrying a bucket while hopping one-legged across the field, but Pat was equal to the occasion.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 18, 1946

Student leaders from Waitsburg accompanied Supt. Leslie Taylor to Clarkston to a Leader's Conference in Clarkston Saturday. Making the trip were Monte Shaffer, Bob Wardrip, Betty Baim, Parke Enders, Roselle Collins, Molly Kellogg, Marilyn Otterson and Dorothy Murphy.

Jack West, Charles and Henry Zuger, Ted Grote and Chet Powers are leaving the first of the week on a deer hunting trip into the Blue Mountains above Dayton for several days. They will pack in on horseback.

The engagement of Miss Mary Geraine Fries and Jim Hanson has been announced. They plan to marry in January.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 14, 1921

Morris Land of the City and U. S. Logsden of Dayton, plan to start Thursday for Oregon near Troy, where Mr. Land will engage in business and Mr. Logsden expects to spend two weeks hunting in that vicinity.

Mrs. A. J. McLaughlin entertained the ladies of the Priscilla Club and a few invited guests at her farm home just south of the City Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was profitably spent with work and social conversation. Before leaving the guests were served an elaborate two-course lunch by the hostess.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 16, 1896

Married in this city Oct. 14, I. E. Scott and Miss Marietta Wickershaw. Mr. Scott is proprietor of the city bakery. The bride has been doing a good business in millinery and dressmaking.

On Tuesday night sneak thieves raided the cellar of A. Mikkelsen one-mile east of the city and carried off some canned fruit, some butter and some meat. No positive clue as yet to the perpetrators.

Several carloads of stock hogs have been shipped from this neck o'woods during the last few days. The price for fat hogs is so low that farmers can't afford to feed, hence are compelled to sacrifice and sell their stock hogs for a mere pittance – 2 cents a pound.


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