Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Grant Supports Quilt and Blanket Giveaway

The Pacific Power Foun- dation awarded a $1500 grant to the Walla Walla chapter of Project Linus to help support the purchase of materi- als used to make quilts and blankets.

Project Linus is a nonprofit organization where volun- teers create comforting, kidfriendly quilts and blankets for local traumatized youth at the request of organizations such as Helpline, YWCA Women's Shelter, American Red Cross, Department of Children and Families, Chil- dren's Home Society and local schools, among others. For the past several years, the Walla Walla group has created and given 300 to 550 quilts and blankets each year to comfort local youth.

"Pacific Power founda- tion is pleased to support Project Linus and its efforts to bring comfort and security to homeless, seriously ill, and other children in need in Walla Walla," said Bill Cle- mens, Pacific Power regional community manager.

Project Linus workshops are held monthly at Walla Walla Sew and Vac. Call Susan Butherus at 509-525- 9454 or email for information.

Monte Stiles: Discovering Joy, Igniting Change

Hear a unique and power- ful message of hope, adven- ture, inspiration and discov- ery at Liberty Theater, May 9, 7:00 p.m. Admission is free.

Monte Stiles combines his experience as a federal drug prosecutor with a passion for wildlife and outdoor photography. Monte provides valu- able insights about every- thing that is wonderful about life - a world full of amazing people, beautiful landscapes, fascination creatures, and boundless opportunities.

Sponsored by: The Coala- tion for Youth and Families, The Drug Free Communities Grant and Columbia Cares.


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