Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

April 25, 2013

[Photo Caption] Members of the Waitsburg FFA Trap Team competed in the state championship in Wenatchee last weekend. L to R: Mark Montgomery, Jennifer Nichols, Cheyenne Frohreich, Tristan Newman, Kelcey Scott and Megan Morrison.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 30, 1998

Life-long Waitsburg resident Bettie Chase will lead the 1998 Waitsburg Days of Real Sprot Parade. The annual two-day horse racing and community celebration will be May 16 and 17. The parade will commence at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 16. She will ride in Red Mohney’s hack with driver Pat Mohney. Chase, 78, is a native of the Touchet Valley, born two miles east of town, and is the last of the Lloyd family that’s been in the valley for 139 years. Her grandparents, Albert G. and Lois Jasper Lloyd, settled here in 1859, six years before Sylvester Wait build his flour mill which also prompted the town’s incorporation, Ralph and Jessie Lloyd, Bettie’s parents farmed west of Waitsburg.

Fifty Years Ago

April 26, 1973

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Broom returned home Thursday from a week’s trip to San Francisco to visit their daughter Joy, and to attend her exhibit of paintings which were showing at Broner’s Gallery. Joy has since left for Europe to spend two months. The Brooms brought the paintings home with them and they are now on display at their home for any of their friends who wish to see them.

Jim Leid has been named to the honor roll for the winter quarter at the University of Montana of Missoula.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hulce of Vivian, S. D. arrived Sunday evening on a business trip. They were held up for 3 days in Gillette, Wy. by the heavy snowfall of last week.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 30, 1948

Jack Roberts placed fourth and Earl Smith was eighth at the practice fat stock judging contest held at Dayton. No team placing was determined.

A tractor on the Lacey Cole farm tipped over Tuesday, but without causing injury to the driver who jumped clear when he felt the machine slipping.

Dick Polumsky was chosen as the local Future Farmers of America representative to the state convention held at Pullman April 14-16. He especially enjoyed the visit to the Science Building.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 4, 1923

With an attendance estimated at from 600 to 800 the Odd Fellows of District No. 16 celebrated the 104th anniversary of the lodge with a picnic at Lamb’s Grove at Dixie last Thursday.

Fire at about 2:30 Tuesday morning did considerable damage to Bradley’s Inn on Main Street, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bradley.

Miss Charlotte Neace and Miss Josephine Denney, of Walla Walla, came up Friday night to attend the senior class play.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 6, 1898

Milan Smith has purchased O. B. Smith’s interest in the Star Grocery. We wish Milan success.

A very pleasant dinner was given at the home of Dr. R. E. Butler and family on last Friday, the occasion being their fifteenth wedding anniversary. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shaeffer, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kingman.

Miss Anna Caldwell returned to her home in this city Friday morning from Pendleton where she has been attending school. Anna will be our new telephone girl while her father is at the front.


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