Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Whether the Weather…

Will the weather cooperate? That is the million-dollar question. If my trip to Los Angeles today is any indication, it’s not great. I will leave Walla Walla in the rain, only to arrive in Los Angeles in more rain.

Typically, I leave Walla Walla in bad weather to enjoy the California sun; this time, it’s the opposite. It will be raining when I leave Los Angeles on Wednesday morning to return home. If my weather app is uncharacteristically correct, Walla Walla should be dry if a bit cloudy.

Meanwhile, true to form, I will be traveling while injured.

On Saturday, while walking Mugsy, I stopped to chat with some friends. In the chaos of dogs and people excitedly greeting each other, my finger got slammed by the gate. My black and blue, swollen ring finger is still bendable, so I assume it is not broken.

Being so familiar with injuries, I was not deterred from playing tennis the following Sunday. We were able to take advantage of the early spring weather to play outside for a change. I even remembered to wear sunscreen.

However, the sunny weather and my impatient nature got the better of me last Friday. I ran into Cascade to buy some seeds, and there were racks of plant starts outside the store. With some seeds beginning to germinate and others already planted, I bought plenty of starts to speed the garden bounty along.

Now I have a good head start on onions, cabbage, and leeks. Considering we still have not taken our hoses out of winter storage, I will admit that today’s rain was welcomed.

I’m still traveling on my snow tires. I remember the snowstorm in April last year, so I’m taking the tire change slowly this year. I’m not optimistic enough to change my tires quite yet.

I bought new patio furniture while laboring under what I call the “Field of Dreams” philosophy. If I have new furniture and invite people for an outdoor party, the good weather will come. It worked for Kevin Costner, so keep your fingers crossed.

Sometimes I get lucky. The unassembled furniture arrives today. A happy coincidence because I leave town today and won’t have to listen to Daniel cursing about the misfitting pieces, wrong screws, bad nuts, etc., while he assembles the chairs and couches. I will be in Los Angeles, avoiding mudslides, which is much less stressful.

I arrive in Los Angeles late Monday, followed by a busy Tuesday schedule. I have scheduled time for, you guessed it, a fish dinner with friends. Seafood is always better on the coast, and with all the rain in L.A. recently, the coastline has probably moved closer to my friends’ homes.

Whether the weather will cooperate with flights (fog, rain delays?) is always iffy. And as much as I prefer sitting on my deck watching the birds dive-bombing the feeders, the neighbor’s cat chasing the birds, and Mugsy chasing the cat, I must leave this “survival of the fittest” game. It is time for dentist and doctor appointments, client visits, and a check-in with my office. The birds, cats, dog, and sun will have to wait until Wednesday.


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