Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Dayton City Council delays Spectrum vote

DAYTON- The Dayton City Council met on February 14, 2023 for its regular meeting. Mayor Zac Weatherford, council members Teeny McMunn, James Su’euga, Kyle Anderson, Dain Nysoe, Shannon McMillen, and Tiger Dieu were in attendance. Laura Aukerman was not present.

Sheriff Joe Helm was unavailable and submitted a written report to the council, not included in the online public agenda and packet.

Desirae Lockard from Columbia County Emergency Management presented its report on activity. January calls in the county consisted of 105 law, 10 EMS, and 12 fire calls. In the city there were 402 law enforcement calls, 51 EMS calls, and 13 fire calls in the same period.

Belinda Larsen gave the Chamber of Commerce quarterly report and reminded the council that “Brix & Brew,” is on Friday night, March 17, 2023.

The council discussed Ordinance No. 2000, granting Spectrum Pacific West, LLC (Charter Communications) a franchise to construct, operate, and maintain telecommunications facilities within the City of Dayton.

Su’euga moved to table the vote until June so the Port of Columbia could complete its fiber installation. Council members Su’euga, Dieu, and McMunn voted for the delay, Nysoe and Anderson voted against it, McMillen abstained, and the motion passed.

Ginny Butler was unanimously re-appointed to the Historic Preservation Commission. She has served since 1996.

The council approved Ordinance No. 1999 to declare a local emergency related to damage caused by weather conditions at the city’s wastewater treatment plant on December 22, 2022. The declaration allows the city to seek emergency funding for the repairs to an inoperable clarifier, that failed due to freezing.

The council unanimously approved resolution No. 1507, authorizing the purchase agreement between the city and Douglas and Marjory L. Krueger for land to build the new wastewater treatment facility. There will be two years of study and design work before construction begins. The council had discussed the purchase during an executive session at a special meeting on February 8, 2023. The purchase price is $21,000/acre, and the city agrees to purchase between 40 and 65 acres as needed.

The mayor said he was optimistic about hiring a city planner The city has begun remote-read water meters and anticipates installing about 500 new meters this year.

The next regular council meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2023, at 6 p.m.


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