Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

March 29, 2012

[Photo Caption] Six students from Waitsburg High School band and chorus went to Southeast Washington Music Educators’ Honor Band and Chorus on Monday, March 12, in Colfax. Waitsburg’s six students were Cheyenne Frohreich, Meara Baker and Emma Philbrook from the band and Garrison Marin, Jared Brown and Hannah Helms from chorus. Prescott and Dayton high schools also brought students, as well as about a dozen other schools from Asotin to Connell.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 3, 1997

[Photo Caption] Twenty-month-old Madeleine Blodgett, daughter of Joanne Blodgett, Waitsburg, was giving her mother some egg-ceptionally cute photo opportunities at the Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday. The annual even was held in Preston Park, which showed little sign of flood damage.

Fifty Years Ago

March 30, 1972

Koinonia Club held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Walt Warehime with Mrs. Lester Callahan assisting. Plans were discussed for the float to be entered in the Days of Real Sport parade. Mrs. McKnight from the Decorator Center in Walla Walla presented newest decorating ideas for updating older homes as well as new homes. She showed samples of the newest wallpaper, tiles and carpeting as well as tips on antiquing furniture. The door prize was won by Mrs. Pete Huwe.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 4, 1947

O. E. Harris has been transferred from the Pasco Potlatch yards to the Waitsburg office and took over his duties here Wednesday. Mr. Stofer has returned to Dayton.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peters are the parents of a girl born at St. Mary Hospital this week. Co-workers of Mr. Peters at the Waitsburg Welding Works presented him with a gift and refreshments of pop-sicles.

J. H. Gill is having a new home built on Sixth Street by Land Bros.

New students enrolled at Touchet Valley Airport are Bernard Donnelly, Jim Hansen, Roy Weaver and Sam Wills.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 31, 1922

Mrs. Anna Jackson of Dayton with the assistance of Mrs. Chandler and the Dayton team of Pythian Sisters instituted a lodge here Tuesday afternoon, March 21st and in the evening the ritualistic work was given.

Ed Buroker has purchased four lots at the corner of Coppei Avenue and East Eighth Street, of the Abbey estate, and we understand will move his dwelling, now located east of the N. P. tracks on East Sixth, thereon.

William Wardrip of this city and Miss Lillie Freeburn of Dayton were quietly married by Judge Wilbur at the courthouse in Walla Walla, Saturday afternoon March 25, at 2 p. m. The newly married couple returned to this city Monday. They have rented the C. A. Smith cottage at the end of West Sixth Street, where they will go to housekeeping.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 2, 1897

Mullinix Brothers are repairing the bicycle track in their grove on Preston Avenue this week. They are improving on some of the sharp turns and grading up some of the low places. It is their intention to issue permits to ride to each individual at a nominal price instead of renting the track to the bicycle club.

Uncle John Moorhead last Sunday while under the influence of liquor, fell down several steps breaking a bone in his leg - as he is 80 this fall may go pretty hard with him.

Many thanks to Miss Josie Parker and Stella Duncan for the handsome bouquet of wild flowers which were left at out office one day last week.


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