Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

March 8, 2012

The newest addition to Dayton City Council, Arthur Hall, was appointed by a unanimous vote on Monday, Feb. 27. When Hall moved to Dayton in February 2010, he said he had no intention of running for city council at any point in time. When the position opened up, friends and associates suggested he apply, so he did. Hall said he is already looking toward November when he will be up for public election reaffirming his position on the council.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 13, 1997

[Photo Caption] Cardinal basketball players from the boys team won recognition at the Sports Dessert. Chris Pearson was named to the all-league second team; Matthew Wyatt was voted by teammates as Most Inspirational; James Riggs was named MVP and to the all-league first team; and Juan Landin received the Most Improved award.

Fifty Years Ago

March 9, 1972

King Witt was re-elected to the Days of Real Sport Board last Tuesday night, while Bill Payne was named vice president. Jack Griffen will serve as treasurer and Herman Gohlman, secretary. Other hold-over board members are Kenneth Smith and Joe McCown. John Wood is a new board member, taking the place of H.V. “Bill” Zuger who has served for several years. A new barn structure will be built at the track replacing those destroyed earlier this year by wind. The steel cover joining two present structures will be put in by Carroll Adams of Walla Walla at a cost of approximately $4000. Secretary Herman Gohlman said that this should increase the capacity to 140 head of horses.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 14, 1947

Miss Colleen Collins, who is a junior at Washington State College, was awarded the Panhellenic scholarship this year which entitles her to her tuition at the college for two semesters.

The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis on Preston Ave. is nearly completed and will be ready for occupancy in a short time.

Mrs. Byron Gusse was honored at a birthday dinner Tuesday evening at the Coffee Shop by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laughery, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glassner were also present.

Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Mock returned home Monday from Seattle where they were called by the illness of their son, Delbert, who had a recurrence of malaria combined with the flu.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 10, 1922

C. M. Phelps, who farms the Davis Bros. ranch of 1000 acres, sold his entire crop one day last week at $1.10 per bushel. This wheat was of the No. 128 variety and brought the top price paid for wheat so far this year.

According to official reports, June 1 is the probable date for the opening of Fort Walla Walla as a hospital for the rehabilitation of ex-service men.

Following are the members of the girls’ basketball team who made the trip to Prosser Friday: Mabel Groom, Mabel Bowles, Lola Danielson, Bernice Cline, Lois Dixon, Bessie Barnes, Blanche Stonecipher, Lillian Callahan and Miss Evangeline Ward, coach.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 12, 1897

A jolly crowd of young people gave Miss Clara Morrow a very pleasant surprise party on last Friday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrow. Music and games occupied most of the time, light refreshments being served.

Society item from an exchange: “With the prospects of a saloon ahead, we learn that the young ladies of the town have organized a ‘lips-that-touch-liquor-shall-never-touch-mine’ club. The young men have retaliated by organizing a ‘limbs-that-wear-bloomers-shall-never-warm-their-feet-on-my-back’ club.”

J. W. Cole brought a large bucketful of corn meal to this office this week which was ground in this city from Nebraska corn. It certainly makes fine corn bread and we appreciate his thoughtfulness in not forgetting the “hungry printers.”


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