Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg FFA Fair Results

Walla Walla Fair


Reserve Novice Showman- Olivia Ortiz



Grand Champion Pole Bending, Figure 8 Race, Barrels - Emily Adams

Reserve Grand Champion Pole Bending - Megan Morrison

All Around Showmanship - Emily Adams



Champion Advanced Showman- Kassidy Kuykendall

Overall Grand Champion Showman- Kassidy Kuykendall

Grand Champion Market Goat- Kassidy Kuykendall

Overall Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat- Kassidy Kuykendall



Reserve Grand Champion Market - Jared Farley

Reserve Champion Advanced Showman - Jared Farley


Rabbits: Coe Richards

Rabbit. FFA Fitting & Showing - Champion

Rabbit, FFA Showmanship - First Place

Rabbit, FFA Individual Judging - 1st Place 

Poster - FFA Grand Champion Rabbits Educational Poster

Truck - FFA Champion, FFA Grand Champion, Best of Division, Best of Class

Columbia County Fair


Grand Champion - Emily Adams

Reserve Grand Champion - Megan Morrison

High Point - Emily Adams



Grand Champion Market Goat - Chloe Pearson

Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat - Kassidy Kuykendall

Grand Champion Showman - Kassidy Kuykendall

Reserve Grand Champion Showman - Chloe Pearson



Champion Novice Showman - Analesia Araya

Reserve Champion Novice Showman - Brandon Boudrieau

Reserve Champion Advanced Showman - Luke Alexenko

Champion Market Swine - Anissa Holmberg

Reserve Champion Market Swine - Timber Frohreich


Rabbit: Coe Richards

Rabbit, Purple Award (special award) for Cage decorations

Rabbit, People's Choice Award

Truck - FFA Grand Champion


Fine Arts:

Rice Board received a Special Award ribbon and the Theme Award ribbon.


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