Ten Years Ago
September 4, 2014
Waitsburg – Eight-year-old Makenna Barron says she can only recall one of the two times she attended the Pendleton Round-Up. She will attend for her third time next week and this visit she won't forget. The pint-sized cowgirl will kick off the week of rodeos by singing the national anthem in the Happy Canyon arena at Monday's opening night PBR Classic rodeo. Makenna, who reigned as Miss Rodeo Washington Sweetheart last year, has rodeo in her blood. Her mom, Tracy Barron, belonged to the Pro West Rodeo Association when Makenna was born and included her from the start. "She was born in February and the rodeos began in April. We would go to three or four events a weekend," said Tracy. At two, Makenna struck out on her own and began competing in Pee Wee Barrel Racing and Goat Tail Tying. Makenna began singing the national anthem at rodeos two years ago when her dad, Charlie, was on the Columbia County Fair Board and organizing the rodeo there. She has never had voice lessons. When asked if she had to learn the words Makenna said, "I already knew them. I've been in a lot of rodeos!" She has opened Dayton's rodeo for the last two years. Last year Makenna decided to see if she had what it takes to entertain the crowd at the Pendleton Round-Up.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
September 2, 1999
The Walla Walla Symphony Guild, in association with Blue Mountain Area Foundation, will offer financial assistance for private instrumental music lessons during the school year. Eligible students are those in grades 8 through 12 in public or private schools or those in home-schooling in Walla Walls County. Applications are being distributed to school music departments and the home school organization. Applications are also available at Blue Mountain Area foundation.
Fifty Years Ago
September 5, 1974
[Photo Caption] Elizabeth Wood proudly shows her steer which took Grand Champion at the Southeastern Washington Fair last weekend. The Angus was sold for $1 per pound to Walla Walla Livestock Commission. She was also the Grand Champion of Fitting and Showing in the 4-H division. Elizabeth also won several ribbons in horsemanship including Grand Champion Colt Training.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
September 9, 1949
Miss Phyllis Gene Anderson became the bride of Raymond Eugene Rubel Sept. 3 at the Chriseian Church. Miss Marilyn Otterson became the bride of Shannon Hiatt of Okanogon on Sunday.
Mr. and Ms. Leland Kessler and daughter Erma Lee have returned from a ten-day vacation spent fishing in northern Idaho and Calgary, Alberta returning by way of Bauff, Lake Louise and Windemere Valley.
Heard J.P. McCarthy talking about this bumper sticker on WJR: "The End of the World is Coming-Start Plea Bargaining."
One Hundred Years Ago
September 12, 1924
Frank McCown and son Emory were severely shaken up and Emory received many painful bruises and cuts about the face, in an automobile collision Saturday afternoon in Pomeroy.
Miss Evangeline Abbey celebrated her 14th birthday anniversary Friday afternoon from 5 to 8 o'clock at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Sanders. The invited guests were 20 of her girl friends.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
September 8, 1899
Chet Montgomery is back from the mines- thinks he has a promising claim on the Clear Water, some ten miles from the Buffalo Hump- shows some very fine specimens.
Billy Sailor's butcher wagon is doing a fine business around Summit Station as there are seven headers and five threshers in this neighborhood working when the sun shines and eating all the time.
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