Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


10 Years Ago

May 22, 2014

WP's Owen Lanning won two events and took two second places last week at the Southeast 2B Sub-district meet here last week. Lanning's 42-foot triple jump attempt was nearly three feet longer than the second place finisher. Lanning also won the 300 meter hurdles and was second in the 110 meter hurdles. In addition, he anchored the second place WP 4x400 meter relay team. Lanning advanced in all four events to the District 9 championship meet this weekend at the University of Idaho. WP's Kevin Aquino also had a big day at Sub-districts, winning the 400 meter race and placing fifth in the 100 meter dash. He also ran on both the third-place 4x100 relay team and the second-place 4x400 team.

25 Years Ago

May 20, 1999

[Photo Caption] This harvest crew was stopped for a photo on Harmon Street, back in the "good old days". The Frank McGraw home on Preston Avenue looms up in the background. The equipment includes the stream engine, separator, cook wagon, water tanks and a very classy Ford run about car.

50 Years Ago

May 23, 1974

The annual spring luncheon for Sonita Club members was held this year at the home of Mrs. Ken Jantz. Honored guests were the Clubwoman of the Year, Mrs. Ray Perry, and Outstanding New Member, Mrs. Darrel Huwe. They were presented engraved silver charms.

Reports were heard on the State Convention.

The club will sponsor a pumpkin growing and carving contest for first to fifth graders. Mrs. Ken Jantz and Mrs. John Wood have visited school and explained the project.

Mrs. Frank Danielson installed the new officers at the April meeting. They include Mrs. Ray Perry, president; Mrs. Bill Dellos, vice president; Mrs. Ken Jantz, treasurer; Mrs. Bill Stoneciper, recording secretary; Mrs. John Payne, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Joe McCown, Jr., historian.

75 Years Ago

May 27, 1949

Waitsburg FFA boys will serve a barbecue lunch Saturday following the parade. The beef will be prime steer bought at the Junior Livestock show in Spokane.

Committees have been appointed for the reunion of former Waitsburg Academy students which will be held at the Waitsburg City Park on June 18. The reunion is being held again this year by request of those who attended two years ago and who enjoyed renewing acquaintances.

100 Years Ago

May 30, 1924

The Pacific Power and Light Co. this week installed nine 75 watt lights in the city park. Iron posts set in concrete make a very neat improvement. Now who says we are not up-to-date.

Miss Deavoughn Campbell celebrated her 13th birthday last Friday afternoon, entertaining the 7th grade at the city park. Refreshments of cake and ice cream were served during the afternoon.

The high school students held their annual picnic on the south Touchet last Saturday. The car driven by Louie Neace had the misfortune to turn over and several of the passengers were badly shaken up. John Kingman received a broken nose.

125 Years Ago

May 26, 1899

John Smith has just received a car load of the celebrated Studebaker wagons and buggies. He now has the largest and most complete line of vehicles ever shown in this city. Call and look at them

L.H. Macomber, E.R. Henderson and Geo. Barnes left yesterday on horseback for the Blue Mountains which they will penetrate for some distance in search of bear, deer and other small game.

G.N. Tuttle left Wednesday evening for Portland to look after the repairing of the armature of the dynamo of the electric light plant which was injured by the electric storm a few nights ago.


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