Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Let's Get Back Into the SWIM of Things

A letter from The Friends of the Dayton City Pool Committee:

Since the closure of the Dayton City Pool at the end of the season in 2017, a dedicated group of citizens formed The Friends of the Pool Committee to facilitate the process for the construction and sustainable operation and maintenance of a new swimming pool in Dayton. The vision of the Friends of the Pool is a community where all people have pathways to healthy opportunities. The Friends of the Pool believe this process can only be successful with full community involvement and support. Our goal is to accomplish this through the action plan we have developed.

Through the acquisition of grant dollars from Innovia, the Friends of the Pool have contracted with Schemata Workshop and Ballard King to conduct an Aquatic Facility Study. The study is broken down into Two Phases to accommodate our funding ability. Currently we have the available funds to begin Phase One which will include Community Input meetings, an online survey and identifying the mission and vision of the aquatic facility. Phase Two will include a Concept Plan; drawing concepts of pool facilities and an Operations Plan; the cost of construction and the yearly operations and maintenance costs. We hope to have the funding for this Phase in the near future.

With the knowledge that a swimming pool is not a money maker, but vital to the health and wellbeing of a community, the long term funding of the operations and maintenance of the swimming facility is essential. Many communities have accomplished this through the establishment of a Parks and Recreation District. The Friends of the Pool has formed an Advisory Focus Group of county and city officials, youth recreation leaders, and community members to identify the mission and vision of a Metropolitan Parks District for our community. A Metropolitan Parks District is a voter initiative and community input will be essential to bringing the initiative to the ballot.

There are many moving parts to this action plan, but what we feel most strongly about is gathering community input and transparency. If we want a pool for our community we have to be willing to financially support it. Anyone who wishes to work on the Friends of the Pool Committee welcome, more hands make light work. Please visit our facebook page: Friends of the Dayton Community Pool for current information.


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