Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

February 24, 2011

Dayton Days will not “go dark” this year, thanks in part to the Columbia County Fair Board, but it will not likely offer any horse racing. The Washington State Horseracing Commission decided earlier this month to give only six days of racing to the four-track Class C “Bush” circuit, with all of those days going to Sun Downs in Kennewick. This news hit the Touchet Valley hard.

A man who left his truck on Biscuit Ridge, near Blacksnake Road, Waitsburg, returned several weeks later to find the passenger side windows smashed, two tires slashed a big black case with 500 CDs missing, and a MidLand CB radio with antenna taken.

The Marcus Whitman Hotel opened two wine tasting rooms and re-opened its 1928 Gift & Wine shop on Feb. 11. TERO Estates & Flying Trout Wines, Don Carlo Vineyards, and Locati Cellars are now all represented off the hotel’s main lobby.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 29, 1996

[Photo caption] Waitsburg Cardinals basketball team celebrates after winning district title in Pullman Feb. 24.

Fishing season in the Tucannon River lakes has been postponed for three months because public access roads to the lakes near Dayton are closed. Opening day was to be March. 1. Damage to Tucannon Road, from the Wooten Wildlife Area, has been so severe that the road has been closed for the next three months.

The city clerk was noticing the other day that an official form had the city spelled wrong. Waitsburg was spelled “Waysburg,” the official said. How about Watersburg?

Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Pearson are the parents of twin sons, Nicholas John, 3 pounds 13 ounces, and Chad Randolph, 4 pounds, 7 ounces, born Feb. 5 at St. Mary Medical Center.

On Feb. 24, 80 volunteers from Walla Walla, College Place, and Milton-Freewater were in Waitsburg to continue initial clean-up efforts in the community. Trucks and tractors picked up trash, and crews continued mucking out basements.

Fifty Years Ago

March 11, 1971

The annual Rhythm Program of the Waitsburg Elementary School will be held Friday evening, March 12, in the high school gymnasium.

Washington State weekly newspaper publishers were given the full tour of state government at a legislative briefing last Friday.

Ivan Keve reported on a successful annual banquet on March 9 with an even 100 people in attendance.

Waitsburg Lions played hosts to their sons and other guests at dinner last Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Buroker, daughter Renee and son Scott of Yakima, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Langdon this weekend.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 15, 1946

Mrs. Miles Brunton was hostess to the Sorotus Club Tuesday afternoon when the club voted to adopt a French war orphan. Mrs. Herman Gohlman was appointed chairman of the committee.

Waitsburg PTA is sponsoring roller skating races this Friday afternoon on Main Street between Academy and Eighth Street. Hesper Archer will be the starter, Judges will be Phil Enders, Mrs. Gladys Williamson, and Mrs. Homer Reed. Presentations: Miss Fanny Weller and patrol, Henry Reimers.

Mr. Surman has purchased the Lockard place at Huntsville and is building a new dairy barn.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 25, 1921

Waitsburg Chapter of Eastern Star entertained almost one hundred members of the Walla Walla Chapter at a 6 o’clock dinner Monday night. The banquet room was tastefully decorated, and many lighted candles graced the tables.

Friday night, the Endeavor society of the Methodist church held a Klondike social at the church. Partners were chosen by numbers and paid for on a basis of the difference of weight of the men and women.

Thursday evening, 20 carloads motored out to Mr. and Mrs. John Clodius on her birthday. The ladies took along the refreshments.

There arrived at the home of Mrs. A Hanson last Tuesday a brand splinter new Monarch range. She best keep her good eye on the neighbors. They will be wanting her to demonstrate its good works.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 20, 1896

Just think of it! On Monday, the W. & C. R. road actually shipped a carload of horses to CoopersTown, North Dakota. We wonder if times have so much improved that there is money enough in horses to pay freight for shipping!

Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Conover were pleasantly surprised on the tenth wedding anniversary on St. Patrick’s Day by a host of friends who surprised them with a royal spread and tinware.

Apricots and peaches are in bloom.


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