Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

February 17, 2011

Following the announcement that there will be no pari-mutuel horse racing this year in Waitsburg, Dayton and Walla Walla, the board of the Days of Real Sport has cancelled its annual May racing event for 2011. The DRS director said they hope it will only be a temporary interruption of a near century-old Waitsburg tradition.

At first I thought The Times building at 139 Main Street would be the best place for an espresso bar, but the more I considered it, the more I realized we'd be much better off consolidating our news offices in a renovated from office and making the Mock building next door at 137 Main Street the coffee shop. In the end we compromised, using a portion of both buildings for each business. - Imbert Matthee

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 22, 1996

Relieving a major financial concern for the city of Waitsburg, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers announced they will repair the dike system along the Touchet River through town. Corp officials estimate that the river flowed at ten-times normal during the flood, at about 9,500 cubic feet per second.The 1964 flood flowed at 9,350 cubic feet per second.

Some eastern Washington lakes are due to open to fishing March 1. But the southeast waters are likely to be fishless, and season changes are ahead for some of the Columbia Basin lakes, the state announced Tuesday.

Overheard in Waitsburg: "Whoever made Mother Nature mad, should apologize."

Almost as inevitable as the melting snowpack and heavy rain brought the flooding to Waitsburg, a T-shirt has been made to remember the event, the worst flood of the century. Blue Crystal screenprinting of Waitsburg (itself a flood victim) has designed the short. Creative duo Pam Reithmier and Elizabeth Cole say they have a Dayton version.

Fifty Years Ago

March 4, 1971

Secretary of the Waitsburg Junior Livestock Show, Mrs. John Wood reported this week that entries for the April 9-10 show have been slow in coming in.

Waitsburg has two new businesses beginning operation this week, Jack and Vira McNew, former residents, have purchased the Union 76 station from Johnnie Hutsell. McNew has been operating a service station at Steptoe, Washington.

Bill Payne received the Commercial Club Community Service award at the Club's annual banquet last Tuesday evening. Emcee Larry Broom made the presentation, citing Bill's work as President of the Days of Real Sport, Touchet Valley Grain Growers, the School Board and the Waitsburg Rural Telephone Company.

Morris and Becki Kurth recently purchased the Touchet Valley Hardware from Miles and Lois Brunton. They want to get better acquainted with people in Waitsburg and the surrounding area so are inviting you to enjoy a genuine old-fashioned western welcome at the Hardware this coming Saturday.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 8, 1946

The Girls' League basketball team coached by Roselle Collins will play the Prescott team Friday evening in Preston Hall, on the team are Ruth Wolfe, Irene Casey, Mary Hirsch, Jacqueline Alexander, Donna Jeremiah, Shirley LeVassuer, Dorothy Murphy, Roselle Callins, Marilyn Otterson, Betty Baim, Barbara Reid and Mollie Kellogg.

Ira Bloor is the owner of a bottle of Olympia beer and a shaving mug which were found in the cornerstone of the James Building which was built in 1908.

Kenneth Smith rode into town the other day in a new jeep and soon the popular army vehicle was covered with boys and some not so young.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 18, 1921

Miss Harriet Stewart won the ladies prize at the American Legion masquerade dance Saturday night. She was dressed as an old fashioned maiden.

Friday evening Margaret Zuger entertained at a dancing party at her home. Those present were Nellie Harrington, Eichelberger, Lucile Roberts, Lena Fox, Bessie Barnes, Arvilla Grigsby, Nadine Gohlson, Donna Buroker, Dwight Schiltz, Henry Roberts, Floyd Taylor, Merril Buroker, Edgard Leonard, Jake Schmilt, Gail Schiltz, Joe Evans, Crawford Donohue, Orville Fox and Frederick Zuger.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 13, 1896

C. M. Grupe was in the Burg on Thursday making arrangements for his new lumber yard in this city. He says he will begin to put in his stock in about a month.

If there is anything on earth that will make a man feel meaner than he really is, it is Lagrippe.

Mrs. J. C. Neace and Mrs. C. B. Richardson gave a pleasant whist party on Wednesday evening. There were ten tables and a pleasant party it was.

At Walla Walla on Thursday, all business houses were closed from 3 to 5 o'clock p.m. covering the houses for College prayer meetings throughout the city. A wonderful change seems to have come over that beautiful city.


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